"Honors Program Induction: Fitting into a Community that is Born to Sta" by Jennifer Drew

National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type



UReCA: The NCHC Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity: http://www.nchc-ureca.com/


Copyright @ by the author.


Watching, waiting, wondering—I knew that in this moment I would either sink or swim in my desire to find my place in this university. I was standing on the sidewalk looking at the open green field; however, this field was not empty. All I had to do was step out onto that grass, but my fear of the unknown held me captive. I really felt like the little freshman I was. Since I had been in college, I had searched for that “home away from home” feeling. I longed to find this feeling, but after searching in the academy . . . I realized that this idea came from something more than my classes, my books, and my studies. A feeling of home comes from finding yourself in others, forming a sense of community, which is what college means to me. So, I decided to step across the sidewalk onto the grassy field, transitioning from self-­‐isolation towards a sense of belonging.
