"Another Apocalypse" by Jared Kohn

National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type



UReCA: The NCHC Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity: http://www.nchc-ureca.com/


Copyright @ by the author.


For a brief infinity, all was silent darkness, all were shadows layered lifelessly on top of one another, and the formless figures rattled only to breathe in the impossible abyss. There were no distinctions between woman and blanket, blanket and couch, couch and floor; light failed to reach the isolation of the living room. In fact, this living room seemed to exist before and after the passing of time, a perfect solitude that existed outside of the bells and whistles of the known gloom. The heat was heavy and the body hidden beneath layers of shadow and blanket lurched through the darkness in sweaty discomfort. But for this moment, this perfect, never-ending moment, the woman cloaked in darkness stood outside of time and space.
