"Honors Program Induction: Fitting into a Community that is Born to Sta" by Jennifer Drew

National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type



Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, Vol. I, pp 3-17.


Copyright 2016 by the author.


Overall, Southern Utah University’s Honors Program would greatly benefit from an induction program, a symbol of inclusion, and a mentorship program to foster a stronger sense of group cohesion. By understanding various theories of belonging, I have realized that members are only willing to put effort into a program if they have a place, purpose, and particular gains. From this information, I discovered that the Honors Program needs to create a community based on belonging, so members will become more committed to the program itself. My personal experiences within a study abroad fellowship and a local sorority have provided me with the insight that this goal is possible through support and driven members. An induction ritual will provide a source of common ground as well as cause members to make a promise to the Honors Program. Without feeling like one belongs, an individual will never transcend into higher levels of development, making the need for a closer Honors Program essential. Hopefully, with the development of these recommendations, Southern Utah University’s Honors Program will become the perfect home-away-from-home that students, just like me, desire.
