"Educating the Outsiders: The Importance of Social Support in the Succ" by Emily Adkins

National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type



Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, Vol. I, pp174-181


Copyright 2016 by the author.


Immigrants of all types come to the United States hoping for some sort of a better life, but when they reach this country, they are faced with barriers. Language barriers, citizenship barriers, and financial barriers must all be overcome by the immigrant family. Undocumented students face particular challenges that seem insurmountable, but schools can offer these students success if they choose to do so. By going out of their way to involve the families of these students while making them feel comfortable in the safe place that the United States school system is and by encouraging teachers to reach out of their own accord to students who seem uninterested in success, these students gain the means to succeed. When educators become the village for children who struggle and seem unbothered by their academic achievement, these students gain positive role models who then can inspire them to reach goals they never thought possible. Teachers and administrators determine what they will do when faced with underachieving students who are all too often uninvolved in their own educations and are far too frequently pushed out of high school due to factors beyond their control. These educators are responsible for reaching out to the students who need the most help. “Even though schools are open systems, they are able to create their own cultures and rules. In this sense, schools are empowered to meet the needs of all students, if they choose to do so” (Lad & Braganza, 2013).
