U.S. Department of Defense


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Historical Data Cards were used to record the organizational history of units within the Army. This card was provided to Robert Bolin by the US Army Institute of Heraldry in 1985.

The Foreign Science and Technology Center (FSTC) was organized in Washington, DC, by Sec. VIII, US Department of the Army General Orders 57, 1 August 1962. FSTC was Class II activity subordinate to the US Army Materiel Command. FSTC absorbed functions, personnel, records, and equipment of:
The US Army Chemical Corps Intelligence Agency
The US Army Ordnance Technical Intelligence Agency
The US Army Signal Corps Intelligence Agency
The US Army Transportation Intelligence Agency
The US Army Quartermaster Intelligence Agency

FSTC was ordered relocated from Washington to Charlottesville, VA, “on or about” 18 May 1970.

Many of the entries on the card were made when a new Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) were issued. TDAs were tables prescribing the organization structure, personnel, and equipment authorizations for unique military organizations performing specialized functions. Interestingly, the strength of the organization authorized by the TDAs shows the growth of the organization from 1962 to 1983.
