U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


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Date of this Version



Proceedings: Leafy Spurge Strategic Planning Workshop, Dickinson, North Dakota. March 29-30, 1994. pp. 102-105.


The research was conducted on remnant tallgrass prairie located in Lancaster County, Nebraska in 1990. Plots (5 by 10-m) were not burned or burned on either April 23, May 2, May 14, or May 26, 1990. Leafy spurge stem density and yield and yield of associated herbaceous vegetation were determined in July 1990 to assess response of the grassland community to prescribed burning treatments. Burning in late April through mid-May stimulated leafy spurge stem production. Density of leafy spurge stems in plots burned by mid-May significantly exceeded (P<0.04) the stem density in plots burned at the end of May. Leafy spurge stem density in plots burned the first week in May averaged 84 stems m-2 as compared to only 27 stems m-2 in plots burned at the end of May. Stem density on unburned plots was not different from burned plots, regardless of time of burning. Leafy spurge yield from plots burned the first week in May and unburned plots were greater (P<0.05) than plots burned the end of May. Yield of other vegetation components was not affected by time of burning.
