U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


Document Type


Date of this Version



Published in Crop Science (2005) 45(2): 809-809


Writing and Presenting Scientific Papers is not about the mechanics of writing and presenting scientific findings but the art of communicating science. This book is the second edition of a book first published in 2000 and incorporates many suggestions gathered from readers of the first volume. It also includes a new section on research proposals, book reviews and writing about statistics. The overall purpose of this book is to help readers understand that effective communication of science is a critical responsibility of all scientists. Readers of this book will gain an appreciation of the value of effective communication. The authors use a simple ABC (Accurate and Audience-adapted, Brief, and Clear) approach as the framework of their presentation. If all of us follow these simple ABCs, the goal of effective communication will be achieved.
