U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


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Booth, D.T. and K.P. Vogel. 2006. Revegetation Priorities. Rangelands 28 (5):24-30).


U.S. government work


Revegetation is a needed means of mitigating man-made and natural disturbance. Our current ability to address environmental insults contrasts sharply with that existing when John Muir first sowed the roots of environmental awareness or Aldo Leopold and Hugh H. Bennett inspired a land ethic and a sense of stewardship. We now have considerable revegetation science and experience and—equally important—viable native-seed and revegetation industries expert in repairing environmental damage. Through the National Plant Materials program, related and usually cooperative work within state universities and other entities, and the development of ecological service industries, our society has heeded Leopold’s call to take pride in the “husbandry” of wild plants.1 Yet, wild-plant husbandry is now being questioned, as is the wisdom of much of the knowledge, experience, and use of plant materials developed over the past 3 to 5 decades.
