U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


Document Type


Date of this Version



1963 Authors


Annual Review of Entomology, Vol. 8, 1963


Since its identification as an introduced pest in 1917, the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hilbner), has been investigated under widely different environmental conditions. During the first decade, the research was directed largely toward studies on biology and the development of control measures that were cultural, biological, and mechanical in nature. The important initial objective was a delaying action to reduce popula­tions in the infested areas, thereby impeding the spread to the central Corn Belt. Legislation was enacted making it compulsory for growers to practice stipulated population-reducing measures. The spread west and south and the economics of harvesting and cultural practices in the large corn-acreage areas resulted in a shift of research emphasis to insecticides, varietal resistance, and biological control.

The literature on the European corn borer is extensive. It is not possi­ble in the space available to cite and discuss here the data presented in the large number of papers that have contributed to the overall knowledge resulting from research conducted by the many agencies involved.
