U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


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Guttieri MJ, Bowden RL, Reinhart K, Marshall DS, Jin Y, Seabourn BW. Registration of hard white winter wheat germplasms KS14U6380R5, KS16U6380R10, and KS16U6380R11 with adult plant resistance to stem rust. J. Plant Regist. 2020;14:210–216. https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20004




Resistance to the Ug99 group of races of the stem rust fungus Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici is limited in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm adapted to the Great Plains of the United States. Our objective was to generate regionally adapted hard winter wheat germplasm with combinations of adult plant resistance genes that are expected to provide durable resistance. KS14U6380R5 (Reg. no. GP-1043, PI 689115), KS16U6380R10 (Reg. no. GP-1044, PI 689116), and KS16U6380R11 (Reg. no. GP-1045, PI 689117) were derived from backcrosses of the hard white winter wheat germplasm KS05HW14 to the stem rust-resistant Kenyan spring wheat cultivar ‘Kingbird’. KS14U6380R5, KS16U6380R11, and KS16U6380R10 were developed by pedigree selection and were initially evaluated as U6380-11-2R-0A, U6380-210-2R-0A, and U6380-148-4R-2T, respectively. The germplasms were developed by the USDA-ARS and jointly released with the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station. These germplasms provide parents for development of hard winter wheat cultivars with durable resistance to stem rust.

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