U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


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Published in Proceedings: Conference on Estrous Cycle Control in Domestic Animals, July 9-10, 1964. Published by the Cooperative State Research Service and Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, in Cooperation with University of Nebraska. Miscellaneous Publication 1005 (1965).


Control of the estrous cycle is essential to precise research in gamete and zygote physiology and could be useful in animal husbandry. The conception rate in sheep during the breeding season following treatments to control ovulation has varied from about normal (Dauzier, 4; Robinson, 20; Evans et al., 9; Lamond and Bindon, 17; Brunner et al., 3; Hinds et al., 15), to distressingly low levels in other cases (Braden et al., 2; Davies, 5; Lamond, 16). Treatments during the anestrous season have given a variable response but usually only 30 to 50 percent of ewes lamb (Gordon, 13; 14).
