U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


Document Type


Date of this Version



Published by the United States Department of Agriculture in Farmers' Bulletin No. 2094 (1955) 20 p.


A Fishpond is a delightful part of a farm or ranch. Where a good site exists for a pond, it makes good use of the land. The impounded water often has other uses too. It adds beauty to the farm and provides recreation for farmers, ranchers, and their friends.

Fishponds are profitable when they are managed well. To produce the most income and home use, they must afford good fishing year after year. Most disappointments result from mistakes in management.

This bulletin points out the importance of good sites and the necessity for erosion control, proper stocking, and weed control. It tells how to have good fishing by ample fertilization. It also explains the treatment of some common pond troubles. By following these essential guides, you can be assured of a lasting pond that may be fished many times a year.

This bulletin supersedes Farmers' Bulletin 1983, Farm Fishponds For Food and Good Land Use.
