U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


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Date of this Version



Published by the United States Department of Agriculture in Farmers' Bulletin No. 1781 (1937) 36 p.


Until recently the diseases of upland game birds received comparatively little specific study, except in a few outbreaks in which serious losses were observed. Though highly destructive, many of these outbreaks were of such short duration that the investigations undertaken were chiefly to learn the cause of death and usually were discontinued when losses were no longer noticeable. It has become increasingly evident, however, that every year great numbers of game birds die of disease, the decreases in their numbers frequently occurring in sections closed to hunting, even though food, cover, and other environmental conditions appear ideal. The disease problems are multiplied on game farms when wild species are subjected to unnatural conditions on enclosed ranges. Although the sanitary equipment there provided tends to reduce the likelihood of disease outbreaks, the fact that large numbers of the birds are held in close contact in a restricted range has frequently militated against their health. During the past few years, therefore, for game-management purposes, the Bureau of Biological Survey has attempted to gather more complete information on disease control, through its own research and through collaboration with other institutions. The results are here set forth to assist organizations and individuals concerned with the management of upland game birds.
