U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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Environmental Protection Technology Series. EPA-660/2-75-015. JUNE 1975
Climatic factors, feedlot runoff, and organic material in the runoff were evaluated in experimental and commercial feedlots. The effects of slope, stocking rates, terraces, basins, and holding ponds were evaluated to obtain the best controls for containing runoff. In eastern Nebraska, 70 cm annual precipitation produces 23 cm of runoff; whereas, in northeastern Colorado, 37 cm annual precipitation gives only 5.5 cm of runoff. Large applications of runoff liquid, up to 91 cmon grass-Ladino and 76 cm on corn, in Nebraska did not decrease yields; however, in northeastern Colorado, the concentrated high-salt runoff required dilution before direct application to crops. The organic manure-soil interface severely restricts the movement of water, nitrates, organic substances, and air into the soil beneath feedlots. The amounts of N03-N in soil cores taken from Nebraska feedlots and croplands ranked as follows: abandoned feedlots> feedlot cropland> upland feedlots> river valley feedlots> manure mounds> alfalfa> grassland. Feedlots contribute NH3, amines, carbonyl sulfide, H2S, and other unidentified substances to the atmosphere. Ammonia and amine can be scavenged from the air by green plants and water bodies. Anaerobic conditions in feedlots are conducive to the production of carbonyl sulfide, H2S, and amines. Management practices, such as good drainage, that enhance aeration will decrease the evolution of these compounds.
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