U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Document Type
Date of this Version
Environmental Protection Technology Series. EPA-600 / 2-77-159. August 1977
This study was initiated to determine operational characteristics of runoff control facility components for beef cattle feedlots.
A runoff control facility was designed and constructed for a 3,000 head capacity feedlot in eastern Nebraska. Components of the runoff control facility included debris basins inside the pen and outside the pen, a holding pond, and a disposal system.
Results indicated that design volumes for the debris basins and holding ponds were effective in controlling runoff from the lots caused by snowmelt and rainfall for climatic conditions within eastern Nebraska. Characteristics of runoff transported solids from this large lot compared favorably with values developed earlier on small research lots. All values for total and volatile solids, electric conductivity, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and COD were within published ranges.
This report was submitted in fulfillment of Grant No. S802l97-0l-4 by L. P. Schram under partial sponsorship of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This report covers the period March 15, 1973 to September 30, 1976.
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