US Fish & Wildlife Service



Date of this Version



November 27-29, 2007 Cambridge, MD


Update on AHM-NAWMP Joint Task Group rec. #5 – WF Mgt Policy Summit

Update on human dimensions efforts and HDWG

Black Ducks: progress report on development of an international harvest strategy

Northern Pintails: derivation of an optimal AHM strategy

Scaup: continued development of a harvest strategy

Canvasbacks: report on predicted effects of addition of 2-bird bag to existing strategy

Wood ducks: assessment of harvest potential and implications for a harvest strategy

Mottled Ducks: progress report on assessing harvest potential

Western Mallards: report on efforts to develop an AHM protocol for WMAL and to respond to PF concerns

Open discussion on benefits vs. costs of multi-stock mgt for mallards and of multi-species mgt

Atlantic Population CAGO update

Communications Team Update
