US Fish & Wildlife Service
Date of this Version
Moore, M. T., S. L. Sheriff, and D. T. Cobb. 2002. Do the HIP screening questions provide the information necessary to stratify the survey as envisioned? Pages 17-29 in J. M. Ver Steeg and R. C Elden, compilers. Harvest Information Program: Evaluation and Recommendations. International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Migratory Shore and Upland Game Bird Working Group, Ad Hoc Committee on HIP, Washington, DC.
Ver Steeg, J. M. and R. C Elden, compilers. 2002. Harvest Information Program: Evaluation and Recommendations. International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Migratory Shore and Upland Game Bird Working Group, Ad Hoc Committee on HIP, Washington, DC. 100 pp.
In 1989, William Molini, then President of IAFW A, appointed an ad hoc committee to develop a strategy for improving the overall reliability of the annual harvest estimates of migratory game birds and directed special emphasis on those species for which harvest data were the least satisfactory, e.g., doves and woodcock. In 1990, that ad hoc committee recommended to IAFW A that the Service, in cooperation with the states, establish a regulation requiring all migratory game bird hunters to obtain a nationwide permit annually. That recommendation (in Ad Hoc Committee Report on Waterfowl Breeding Ground Surveys and Migratory Bird Harvest Surveys) was approved at IAFWA's September 1990 business meeting and forwarded to the Service the following month. The intent to create rules for a national migratory bird harvest information program was published in the Federal Register in June of 1991. Today, the program is very different from the one envisioned by IAFW A and the Service in 1991. Instead of a nationwide permit, HIP consists of 49 states (Hawaii is not required to participate) supplying separate sampling frames to the Service for use in deriving national and regional estimates of migratory bird harvest. A more thorough explanation for the evolution of HIP is contained in the full report.