US Fish & Wildlife Service
Date of this Version
Arbuthnot, M. 2008. A Landowner’s Guide to New England Cottontail Habitat Management. Environmental Defense Fund. 37 pp.
Introduction ………….2
Biological Information ………….2
Habitat Requirements ………….4
Factors Contributing to Species Decline ………….6
Distribution ………….9
Managing Habitat for New England Cottontail ………….12
Creating Young Forest Habitat ………….21
Developing a Management Plan for Your Land ………….25
Appendix A: Resources & Assistance ………….27
Appendix B: Tools and Techniques for Habitat Management ………….30
Appendix C: Planting Shrublands ………….32
Appendix D: Species of Greatest Conservation Need in New England that Require Young Forest and Shrubland Habitats ………….34
Appendix E: The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Candidate Conservation Program ………….35
References ………….36