US Fish & Wildlife Service


Date of this Version



D.J. Case and Associates (editor). 2011. Priority Information Needs for Band-tailed Pigeons, Zenaida Doves, White-tipped Doves and Scaly-naped Pigeons: A Funding Strategy. Developed for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies by the Migratory Shore and Upland Game Bird Support Task Force. 16pp.


Table of Contents

Executive Summary............................i


Status of band-tailed pigeons, Zenaida doves, white-tipped doves and scaly-naped pigeons............................2

Priority Information Needs............................7

Priority 1. Reliable demographics of band-tailed pigeons............................8

Priority 2. Association of food availability with abundance and distribution of band-tailed pigeons............................9

Priority 3. Status assessment of white-tipped doves in south Texas to determine distribution, population abundance and biology............................10

Priority 4. Population and harvest data collected annually for Zenaida doves and scaly-naped pigeons............................11

Priority 5. Adaptive harvest strategy for Zenaida doves and scaly-naped pigeons............................12

Measuring Success............................13

Literature Cited............................14

Appendix A: 2010 Strategy Development Participants............................16

Figure 1. Distribution of Pacific Coast and Interior band-tailed pigeons in North America............................2

Figure 2. Abundance indices for the Pacific Coast and Interior populations of band-tailed pigeons based on results from the North American Breeding Bird Survey and the Mineral Site Survey............................3

Figure 3. Distribution of white-tipped doves in North and Central America............................4

Figure 4. Trend in estimated white-tipped doves harvested per hunter and per hunter-day during the September 4-day special white-winged dove season in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, 1986–2009............................5

Figure 5. Estimated density of scaly-naped pigeons on Puerto Rico in 1986 –2010............................6

Figure 6. Estimated density of Zenaida doves on Puerto Rico in 1986 –2010............................7
