US Geological Survey
United States Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center: Publications
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
8711 37th Street Southeast
Jamestown, North Dakota 58401
Phone: (701) 253-5500 Fax: (701) 253-5553
Email: npwrc@usgs.gov
Temporospatial shifts in Sandhill Crane staging in the Central Platte River Valley in response to climatic variation and habitat change, Andrew J. Caven, Emma M. Brinley Buckley, Kelsey C. King, Joshua Wiese, David M. Baasch, Greg D. Wright, Mary Harner, Aaron T. Pearse, Matt Raabe, Dana Varner, Brice Krohn, Nicole Arcilla, Kirk D. Schroeder, and Kenneth F. Dinan
Energy development and production in the Great Plains: Implications and mitigation opportunities, Jacqueline P. Ott, Bruce B. Hanberry, Mona Khalil, Mark W. Paschke, Max Post van der Burg, and A.J. Prenni
Population and Harvest Dynamics of Midcontinent Sandhill Cranes, Aaron T. Pearse, Glen A. Sargeant, Gary L. Krapu, and David A. Brandt
Asymmetric benefits of a heterospecific breeding association vary with habitat, conspecific abundance and breeding stage, Rose J. Swift, Michael J. Anteau, Erin A. Roche, Mark H. Sherfy, Dustin L. Toy, and Megan M. Ring
Roosting Habitat Use by Sandhill Cranes and Waterfowl on the North and South Platte Rivers in Nebraska, Dana Varner; Aaron T. Pearse; Andy Bishop; Jonas I. Davis; John C. Denton; Roger C. Grosse; Heather M. Johnson; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Soldotna, AK; Kirk D. Schroeder; Robert E. Spangler; Mark Vrtiska; and Angelina E. Wright
Revisiting the Historic Distribution and Habitats of the Whooping Crane, Jane E. Austin, Matthew A. Hayes, and Jeb A. Barzen
Whooping crane use of riverine stopover sites, David M. Baasch, Patrick D. Farrell, Shay Howlin, Aaron T. Pearse, Jason M. Farnsworth, and Chadwin B. Smith
Diurnal habitat selection of migrating Whooping Crane in the Great Plains, David M. Baasch, Patrick D. Farrell, Aaron T. Pearse, David A. Brandt, Andrew J. Caven, Mary J. Harner, Greg D. Wright, and Kristine L. Metzger
Emerging Themes from the ESA Symposium Entitled “Pollinator Nutrition: Lessons from Bees at Individual to Landscape Levels”, Vanessa Corby-Harris, Julia H. Bowsher, Morgan Carr-Markell, Mark J. Carroll, Mary Centrella, Steven C. Cook, Margaret Couvillon, Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman, Adam Dolezal, Julia C. Jones, Christina L. Mogren, Clint R. V. Otto, Pierre Lau, Juliana Rangel, Roger Schürch, and Ashley St. Clair
Effects of Land Use on Greenhouse Gas Flux in Playa Wetlands and Associated Watersheds in the High Plains, USA, Dale W. Daniel, Loren M. Smith, Scott T. McMurry, Brian A. Tangen, Charles F. Dahl, Ned H. Euliss Jr., and Ted LaGrange
Mortality in Aransas-Wood Buffalo Whooping Cranes: Timing, Location, and Causes, Aaron T. Pearse, David A. Brandt, Barry K. Hartup, and Mark T. Bidwell
Estimating offsets for avian displacement effects of anthropogenic impacts, Jiill A. Shaffer, Charles R. Loesch, and Deborah A. Buhl
Modeling effects of crop production, energy development and conservation-grassland loss on avian habitat, Jiill A. Shaffer, Cali L. Roth, and David M. Mushet
U.S. Geological Survey- Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center 2017 Research Activity Report, Mark H. Sherfy
Bird Population Changes Following the Establishment of a Diverse Stand of Woody Plants in a Former Crop Field in North Dakota, 1975– 2015, Lawrence D. Igl, Harold A. Kantrud, and Wesley Newton
13 Terrestrial Wetlands, Randall Kolka and Carl T Trettin
Conserving All the Pollinators: Variation in Probability of Pollen Transport among Insect Taxa, Diane L. Larson, Jennifer L. Larson, and Deborah A. Buhl
Distance models as a tool for modelling detection probability and density of native bumblebees, Darin J. McNeil, Clint R. V. Otto, Erin L. Moser, Katherine R. Urban‐Mead, David E. King, Amanda D. Rodewald, and Jeffery L. Larkin
An Historical Overview and Update of Wolf-Moose Interactions in Northeastern Minnesota, L. David Mech, John Fieberg, and Shannon M. Barber-Meyer
The usefulness of GPS telemetry to study wolf circadian and social activity, Samuel B. Merrill and L. David Mech
Prairie Reconstruction Unpredictability and Complexity: What is the Rate of Reconstruction Failures?, Jack E. Norland, Cami Dixon, Diane Larson, Kristine Askerooth, and Benjamin A. Geaumont
Implications of Spatially Variable Costs and Habitat Conversion Risk in Landscape-Scale Conservation Planning, Max Post van der Burg, Neil Chartier, and Ryan Drum
Landscape genetics reveal broad and fine‐scale population structure due to landscape features and climate history in the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in North Dakota, Justin M. Waraniak, Justin D. L. Fisher, Kevin Purcell, David M. Mushet, and Craig A. Stockwell
Landscape genetics reveal broad and fine‐scale population structure due to landscape features and climate history in the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in North Dakota, Justin M. Waraniak, Justin D.L. Fisher, Kevin Purcell, David M. Mushet, and Craig A. Stockwell
Multi-element fingerprinting of waters to evaluate connectivity among depressional wetlands, Yuxiang Yuan, Xiaoyan Zhu, David M. Mushet, and Marinus L. Otte
Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Death by Stick Impalement, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer, Lori J. Schmidt, and L. David Mech
A SEROSURVEY OF DISEASES OF FREE-RANGING GRAY WOLVES (CANIS LUPUS) IN MINNESOTA, USA, Michelle Carstensen, John H. Giudice, Erik C. Hildebrand, J. P. Dubey, John Erb, Dan Stark, John Hart, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer, L. David Mech, Steve K. Windels, and Andrew J. Edwards
Sexually dimorphic aggression indicates male gray wolves specialize in pack defense against conspecific groups, Kira A. Cassidy, L. David Mech, Daniel R. MacNulty, Daniel R. Stahler, and Douglas W. Smith
Extinguishing a Learned Response in a Free-ranging Gray Wolf (Canis lupus), L. David Mech
Use of Erroneous Wolf Generation Time in Assessments of Domestic Dog and Human Evolution, L. David Mech
Where can wolves live and how can we live with them?, L. David Mech
An Unparalleled Opportunity for an Important Ecological Study, L. David Mech, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer, Juan Carlos Blanco, Luigi Boitani, Ludwig Carbyn, Glenn Delgiudice, Steven H. Fritts, Djuro Huber, Olof Liberg, Brent Patterson, and Richard R. Thiel
Sparrow Nest Survival in Relation to Prescribed Fire and Woody Plant Invasion in a Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie, Robert K. Murphy, Terry L. Shaffer, Todd A. Grant, James L. Derrig, Cory S. Rubin, and Courtney K. Kerns
Understanding and Finding Solutions to the Problem of Sedimentation in the National Wildlife Refuge System, Max Post van der Burg, Karen E. Jenni, Timothy L. Nieman, Josh D. Eash, and Gregory A. Knutsen
White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Subsidize Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) During a Moose (Alces americanus) Decline: A Case of Apparent Competition?, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer and L. David Mech
Differential wolf-pack-size persistence and the role of risk when hunting dangerous prey, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer, L. David Mech, Wesley E. Newton, and Bridget L. Borg
Territoriality and Inter-Pack Aggression in Gray Wolves: Shaping a Social Carnivore's Life History Rudyard Kipling's Law of the Jungle Meets Yellowstone's Law of the Mountains, Kira A. Cassidy, Douglas W. Smith, L. David Mech, Daniel R. MacNulty, Daniel R. Stahler, and Matthew C. Metz
Factors affecting post-control reinvasion by seed of an invasive species, Phragmites australis, in the central Platte River, Nebraska, Susan M. Galatowitsch, Diane L. Larson, and Jennifer L. Larson
Land use effects on pesticides in sediments of prairie pothole wetlands in North and South Dakota, Scott T. McMurry, Jason B. Belden, Loren M. Smith, Shane A. Morrison, Dale W. Daniel, Betty R. Euliss, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Bart J. Kensinger, and Brian A. Tangen
Costs of European Wolf and Human Coexistence, L. David Mech
Patuxent’s Long-Term Research on Wolves, L. David Mech
Wolf (Canis lupus) Generation Time and Proportion of Current Breeding Females by Age, L. David Mech, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer, and John Erb
Sandhill Crane Roost Selection, Human Disturbance, and Forage Resources, Aaron T. Pearse, Gary L. Krapu, and David A. Brandt
Trophic cascades from wolves to grizzly bears or changing abundance of bears and alternate foods?, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer
Evaluation of a Formula that Categorizes Female Gray Wolf Breeding Status by Nipple Size, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer and L. David Mech
Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Dyad Monthly Association Rates by Demographic Group, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer and L. David Mech
Group composition effects on aggressive interpack interactions of gray wolves in Yellowstone National Park, Kira A. Cassidy, Daniel R. MacNulty, Daniel R. Stahler, Douglas W. Smith, and L. David Mech
MMI: Multimodel Inference or Models With Management Implications?, John Fieberg and Douglas H. Johnson
Estimation of potential evapotranspiration from extraterrestrial radiation, air temperature and humidity to assess future climate change effects on the vegetation of the Northern Great Plains, USA, David A. King, Dominique M. Bachelet, Amy J. Symstad, Ken Ferschweiler, and Michael Hobbins
Yellowstone wolf (Canis lupus) density predicted by elk (Cervus elaphus) biomass, L. David Mech and Shannon M. Barber-Meyer
Growth Rates and Variances of Unexploited Wolf Populations in Dynamic Equilibria, L. David Mech and John Fieberg
White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Fawn Risk from Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Predation During Summer, L. David Mech, Aaron Morris, and Shannon M. Barber-Meyer
POPULATION DYNAMICS OF AMUR TIGERS (P. t. altaica, Temminck 1884) IN SIKHOTE-ALIN ZAPOVEDNIK: 1966-2012, Dale Miquelle, Evgeny N. Smirnov, Olga Yu. Zaumyslova, Svetlana V. Soutryina, and Douglas H. Johnson
Timing of Spring Surveys for Midcontinent Sandhill Cranes, Aaron T. Pearse, Gary L. Krapu, David A. Brandt, and Glen A. Sargeant
How Hot is Too Hot? Live-Trapped Gray Wolf Rectal Temperatures and 1-year Survival, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer and L. David Mech
Successes and Challenges from Formation to Implementation of Eleven Broad-Extent Conservation Programs, Erik A. Beever, Brady J. Mattsson, Matthew J. Germino, Max Post van der Burg, John B. Bradford, and Mark W. Brunson
Spring phenology and timing of breeding in short-distance migrant birds: phenotypic responses and offspring recruitment patterns in common goldeneyes, Robert G. Clark, Hannu Pöysä, Pentti Runko, and Antti Paasivaara
Spring Migration Ecology of the Mid-Continent Sandhill Crane Population with an Emphasis on Use of the Central Platte River Valley, Nebraska, Gary L. Krapu, David A. Brandt, Paul J. Kinzel, and Aaron T. Pearse
Establishing endangered species recovery criteria using predictive simulation modeling, Conor P. McGowan, Daniel H. Catlin, Terry L. Shaffer, Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor, and Carol Aron
Wolf Population Regulation Revisited—Again, Ronald E. Mcroberts and L. David Mech
A Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Delivers Live Prey to a Pup, L. David Mech
Re-Evaluating the Northeastern Minnesota Moose Decline and the Role of Wolves, L. David Mech and John Fieberg
Accuracy of Aging Ducks in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Waterfowl Parts Collection Survey, Aaron T. Pearse, Douglas H. Johnson, Kenneth D. Richkus, Frank C. Rohwer, Robert R. Cox Jr., and Paul I. Padding
Field-readable alphanumeric flags are valuable markers for shorebirds: use of double-marking to identify cases of misidentification, Erin A. Roche, Colin M. Dovichin, and Todd W. Arnold
Detection Probability of Least Tern and Piping Plover Chicks in a Large River System, Erin A. Roche, Terry L. Shaffer, Michael J. Anteau, Mark H. Sherfy, Jennifer H. Stucker, Mark T. Wiltermuth, and Colin M. Dovichin
Ecotypic Variation in Recruitment of Reintroduced Bighorn Sheep: Implications for Translocation, Brett P. Wiedmann and Glen A. Sargeant
Songbird Abundance in Native and Planted Grassland Varies With Type and Amount of Grassland in the Surrounding Landscape, Stephen K. Davis, Ryan J. Fisher, Susan L. Skinner, Terry L. Shaffer, and R. Mark Brigham
Age Structure of Moose (Alces alces) Killed by gray Wolves (Canis lupus) in Northeastern Minnesota, 1967–2011, L. David Mech and Michael E. Nelson
Improving species occupancy estimation when sampling violates the closure assumption, Clint R.V. Otto, Larissa L. Bailey, and Gary J. Roloff
Comparison of bird community indices for riparian restoration planning and monitoring, Jock S. Young, Elisabeth M. Ammon, Peter J. Weisberg, Thomas E. Dilts, Wesley E. Newton, Diane C. Wong-Kone, and Lisa G. Heki
Development of Camera Technology for Monitoring Nests, W. Andrew Cox, M. Shane Pruett, Thomas J. Benson, Scott J. Chiavacci, and Frank R. Thompson III
Identification of Sprague's Pipit Nest Predators, Stephen K. Davis, Stephanie L. Jones, Kimberly Dohms, and Teslin Holmes
Nest Defense- Grassland Bird Responses To Snakes, Kevin Ellison and Christine Ribic
Ducks and Passerines Nesting in Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie Treated With Fire, Todd A. Grant, Terry L. Shaffer, Elizabeth M. Madden, and Gordon B. Berkey
Wolf Population Dynamics in the U.S. Northern Rocky Mountains Are Affected by Recruitment and Human-Caused Mortality, Justin A. Gude, Michael S. Mitchell, Robin E. Russell, Carolyn A. Sime, L. David Mech, and Robert R. Ream
Nonlinear effects of group size on the success of wolves hunting elk, Daniel R. MacNulty, Douglas W. Smith, L. David Mech, John A. Vucetich, and Craig Packer
Use of Real-time PCR to Detect Canine Parvovirus in Feces of Free-ranging Wolves, L. David Mech, Emily S. Almberg, Douglas Smith, Sagar Goyal, and Randall S. Singer
Mapping Anuran Habitat Suitability to Estimate Effects of Grassland and Wetland Conservation Programs, David M. Mushet, Ned H. Euliss Jr., and Craig A. Stockwell
Hatching and Fledging Times from Grassland Passerine Nests, Pamela J. Pietz, D.A. Granfors, and Todd Grant
Knowledge Gained from Video-Monitoring Grassland Passerine Nests, P. J. Pietz, D.A. Granfors, C.A. Ribic, and F. R. Thompson
Predatory Identity Can Explain Nest Predation Patterns, Jennifer L. Reidy and Frank Thompson
Bird Productivity and Nest Predation in Agricultural Grasslands, C.A. Ribic, Michael Guzy, Travis Anderson, David Sample, and Jamie Nack
Nocturnal Activity of Nesting Shrubland and Grassland Passerines, Christy Slay, Kevin Ellison, C.A. Ribic, Kimberly Smith, and Carolyn Schmitz
Conservation Implications When the Nest Predators Are Known, Frank Thompson and C.A. Ribic
Infectious Diseases in Yellowstone’s Canid Community, Emily S. Almberg, Paul C. Cross, L. David Mech, Doug W. Smith, Jennifer W. Sheldon, and Robert L. Crabtree
Accuracy of Estimating Wolf Summer Territories by Daytime Locations, Dominic J. Demma and L. David Mech
A Multi-Year Comparison of IPCI Scores for Prairie Pothole Wetlands: Implications of Temporal and Spatial Variation, Ned H. Euliss Jr. and David M. Mushet
Integrating estimates of ecosystem services from conservation programs and practices into models for decision makers, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Loren M. Smith, Shuguang Liu, Walter G. Duffy, Stephen P. Faulkner, Robert A. Gleason, and S. Diane Eckles
Prototyping an online wetland ecosystem services model using open model sharing standards, Min Feng, Shuguang Liu, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Claudia Young, and David M. Mushet
Kin encounter rate and inbreeding avoidance in canids, Eli Geffen, Michael Kam, Reuven Hefner, Pall Hersteinsson, Anders Angerbjorn, Love Dalen, Eva Fuglei, Karin Noren, Jennifer R. Adams, John Vucetich, Thomas J. Meier, L. David Mech, Bridgett M. vonHoldt, Daniel R. Stahler, and Robert K. Wayne
Demonstration of a conceptual model for using LiDAR to improve the estimation of floodwater mitigation potential of Prairie Pothole Region wetlands, Shengli Huang, Claudia Young, Min Feng, Karl Heidemann, Matthew Cushing, David M. Mushet, and Shuguang Liu
Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Movements and Behavior Around a Kill Site and Implications for GPS Collar Studies, L. David Mech
The Scientific Classification of Wolves: Canis lupus soupus, L. David Mech
Movements of Wolves at the Northern Extreme of the Species’ Range, Including during Four Months of Darkness, L. David Mech and H. Dean Cluff
Parsing demographic effects of canine parvovirus on a Minnesota wolf population, L. David Mech and Sagar M. Goyal
Use of cranial characters in taxonomy of the Minnesota wolf (Canis sp.), L. David Mech, Ronald M. Nowak, and Sanford Weisberg
Wolves, Canis lupus, Carry and Cache the Collars of Radio-collared White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, they Killed, Michael E. Nelson and L. David Mech
Problems with studying wolf predation on small prey in summer via global positioning system collars, Vicente Palacios and L. David Mech
Spring-migration Ecology of Northern Pintails in South-central Nebraska, Aaron T. Pearse, Gary L. Krapu, Robert R. Cox Jr., and Bruce E. Davis
Classifying the Hydrologic Function of Prairie Potholes with Remote Sensing and GIS, Jennifer Rover, Chris K. Wright, Ned H. Euliss Jr., David M. Mushet, and Bruce K. Wylie