Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 90(15) (July 13, 1990)


Copyright 1990 University of Nebraska


In This Issue

Weed Science

Rescue Treatments for Soybeans ...................... 91

Timing Vital to Late Season 2,4-D Use ...................... 92

Spray Winter Wheat Stubble 5-30 Days After Harvest ...................... 92

Correction ...................... 92

Attack Weeds Directly with Wipers, Bean Bars ...................... 93

Insect Science

Turfgrass Field Day, Equipment Show July 24 ...................... 93

Baythroid 2 Exemption Continued ...................... 94

Don't Let Flies Ruin County Fair Festivities ...................... 94

Gardeners Beware: . Hoppers Invited To Lunch ...................... 94

Fall Webworms Not Harmful ...................... 94

Plant Disease

Barley Yellow Dwarf Analyzed in 11 Oat Cultivars ...................... 95

Phythophthora Root Rot Identified in Soybean Samples ...................... 95

Not All Yellow Turf is Diseased ...................... 95

Plant Disease Clinic Services Reduced for One Week ...................... 95

Leaf Spots Threaten Tomatoes ...................... 96

Environmental Programs

National Ground Water Survey Taken ...................... 96
