Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 90(16) (July 20, 1990)


Copyright 1990 University of Nebraska


In This Issue

Insect Science

Begin Scouting for Com Rootworm Beetles ...... 97

Watch for Western Bean Cutworm Eggs ............ 98

Control Volunteer Wheat to Reduce Pests.......... 98

Potatoes Subject to a Variety of Pests ................ 99

Potato Leafhoppers Attacking Alfalfa .............. 99

Mimosa Webworm Damage Mostly Aesthetic……………….. 99

Stable Flies a Major Nuisance This Year .......... 100

Environmental Programs

Study Finds Little Leaching of Lawn Care Chemicals .................................................... 100

Plant Disease

Hot Weather Leading To Turf Problems .................. 101

Ash Decline a Mystery; But Homeowners Can Aid Recovery ........................................................ 101

For More Information ............................ 102
