Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Date of this Version
Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 91(6) (April 26, 1991)
In This Issue
Insect Science
Russian Wheat Aphids Spotty in the Panhandle………………31
Army Cutworm Still1breatens New Alfalfa ………………31
Insecticide Uses May be Eliminated ………………32
Weevils Now Evident Across the State ………………32
New Computer Software Aids in European Corn Borer Management ………………33
For Your Information ………………33
Plant Disease
Aerial Applicators Can Train at May Fly-Ins ………………34
Status Still Obscure for EBDC Fungicides ………………34
Examine Pine Trees for Disease; Plan Treatment ………………34
Weed Science
Triazine-resistant Kochia Requires Special Plan ………………35
Passport Registered ………………35
Herbicide Carryover May Limit Alfa1fa Replant Options ………………35
Thorough Laundering is Essential With Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing ………………36
Copyright 1991 University of Nebraska