Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 91(7) (May 3,1991)


Copyright 1991 University of Nebraska


In This Issue

Plant Disease

Be Alert to Threat of Wheat Leaf Rust ……………. 37

Virus-resistant Com Hybrids Still Necessary ……………. 38

Slow Com Emergence? Consider Temperatures ……………. 38

Watch for Damping Off in Western Sugar Beets ……………. 39

Cedar Apple Rust Infections Appearing ……………. 39

Insect Science

Video Conference Set on Integrated Crop Management ……………. 39

Clover Leaf and Alfalfa Weevils Evident; Damage, Treatment Vary with the Pest ……………. 40

Alfalfa Weevil Growth Progresses Across State ……………. 41

Weed Science

Rotary Hoeing a Viable Weed Control Option ……………. 42

Use Charcoal to Clean Herbicide-Contamined Soil ……………. 42

Without Atrazine, Proso Millet Needs New Management Plan ……………. 42
