Women's and Gender Studies Program


Date of this Version

Spring 2007


Women's and Gender Studies. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Spring 2007 Newsletter


Used by permission.


Greetings from the Women’s and Gender Studies office. Many things have happened this past year, but our big news this spring is that we have secured more stable funding for the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. After 30 years at UNL, it looks like we will continue for many years to come.

When I became director of Women’s and Gender Studies in August, I learned very quickly just how much work our program does and just how little money we have to finance it. This is an old story that we are all familiar with; work that women do or that is important to women is often undervalued and underpaid. We do it anyway because we care about it. (Mary Beck cared about it so much that she designed and taught our Women, Gender, and Science course for five years with no compensation!).
