Women's and Gender Studies Program


Date of this Version

Fall 2014


Women's and Gender Studies. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Fall 2014.


Used by permission.


It is a great honor to write this annual letter to let you know where we are as a program and a community. It is an opportunity to share our achievements with faculty and students at this university, as well as many colleagues and alumni all over the country.

This fall the College of Arts and Sciences welcomed our new Dean, Joseph Francisco. We look forward to taking advantage of his new ideas and initiatives and hope that he will be inspired by ideas from our outstanding faculty, students, community members, and supporters.

The Women’s and Gender Studies program remains a truly interdisciplinary academic program, spanning six colleges and 26 disciplines, and includes a growing number of campus/community associates. These members play a major role in all sections of our program. As is evident throughout this newsletter, core and affiliated faculty members once again made outstanding contributions to women’s and gender studies through their research, teaching, service, community outreach, and other professional activities.
