Women's and Gender Studies Program


Date of this Version

Fall 2003


Women's studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln NEWSLETTER FALL 2003


Used by permission.


What are the challenges and opportunities facing Women's Studies in the current climate of higher education and at UNL? Forty-four faculty and graduate students began discussing this question at our first luncheon meeting of the semester. Our Colloquium Series continues to highlight one of our strengths. This fall it included Professors Chantal Kalisa (Modern Languages) and Rose Holz (History) discussing their research in "Finding a Research Topic and Doing it Too: Lessons from Two Women's Studies Projects." In October, four Ph.D. students, Em-orn Dispanya, Razia Khan, Kyoko Matsunaga, and Yeaji Shin, presented their creative work and research in "Perspectives of Asian Women: Research and Writing on Asian Women in the United States and Abroad." We also had a Brown-Bag discussion among faculty and students on "Challenges and Approaches to Teaching Women, Gender, and Minority Topics." Ten students joined Barbara DiBernard, Kris Gandara, and me for a workshop on applying for graduate school.
