Women's and Gender Studies Program


Date of this Version

Spring 2002


Women's Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln NEWSLETTER SPRING 2002


Used by permission.


Women's Studies has been on the road this semester. As the cliche says, on each trip the journey was as important as the destination. In January several faculty members loaded into a huge van to participate in the first joint UNO, UNK, UNL Women's Studies Institute, where Barbara DiBernard led a very successful workshop on feminist pedagogy. Traveling away from our own classrooms and offices helped us as faculty to get acquainted with colleagues at other institutions and discuss the goals and challenges we all share. In March, Helen Moore and I with several students, braved an icy spring storm to attend the "No Limits" Women's Studies Conference at UNK. This was the first year of our rotation of the conference among the three campuses. The trip to "No Limits" allowed students to get better acquainted with each other, to meet students from other campuses around the region, and to receive recognition for their scholarship and creative work. Traveling together also gave us time we often don't have for serious and not so serious talk, for laughter, and socializing. Our conversations with students as we traveled and ate together were as stimulating as any seminar. So, even if a weekend in Kearney doesn't sound like something you'd choose, I'd recommend it for its rejuvenating effects and for the reminder it provided that important teaching and scholarly interactions occur outside of our classrooms and offices.
