Agricultural Economics Department


Date of this Version


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Cornhusker Economics (December 14, 2022)

Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


University of Minnesota researchers conducted a Rural Movers Study to determine the motivations of people who moved within one to five years to rural Minnesota communities. Their findings are not unlike earlier research conducted at the University of Nebraska in 2008. The Rural Movers Study showed that 31 % of respondents moved due to a job or job offer. However, this was not one of the primary reasons individuals moved. For those individuals who did not move for employment, 76% wanted to find a good environment for raising their children, 67% moved to be closer to relatives, 64% looked for a safe place to live, 64% wanted to take advantage of the slower pace of life, 64% wanted to live in a smaller community and 60% looked for a less congested place to live. These are attributes that many rural communities can provide for its current and prospective residents.
