

The administration of criminal justice consists of four major areas: the arrest and charge of the commission of the offense; the trial and appeal; the disposition after a verdict of guilty; and finally the implementation of the judgment. Criminal law has traditionally been treated lightly by most law schools, practicing lawyers, and even the bench. And the most neglected area of this neglected field of law has related to the disposition of the offender's case; that is, sentencing and his rights thereafter. The purpose of this brief discussion is to promote awareness of the myriad of complex legal and human problems that shape the lives of the people who live in the shadows of great gray walls. The balance of rights retained and restraints imposed upon them will frequently determine whether their imprisonment will serve or disserve the society that has judged and bound them.

I. The Emerging Field

II. New Concepts of Prisoner Rights … A. Correspondence … B. Legal Materials … C. Religious Practices … D. Medical Care … E. Physical Conditions … F. The Right to Sue for Injuries

III. Conclusion
