
About This Journal

Nebraska Law Review

The Nebraska Law Review is a student-edited journal that publishes articles authored by professors, judges, student members, and others in the legal profession in four quarterly issues. The Review strives to publish timely, interesting, and informative articles for practitioners and scholars on both local and national levels. Currently, the Review has a national subscription base of law libraries, judges, and lawyers. The Review is directed by an Executive Board of Editors elected by the student members of the Review. The student editors bear primary responsibility for publication of the Review and receive invaluable training in writing, editing, and researching through performing their respective duties.

Nebraska Law Review Bulletin

In 1922, the faculty of the University of Nebraska College of Law published the first Nebraska Law Bulletin "to state and criticize Nebraska law in selected fields, in such a way as to be of service to the profession." Over the years, the Nebraska Law Bulletin transformed into the Nebraska Law Review and considerably increased the scope of its inquiry. Now, the Review primarily publishes articles that are relevant to practitioners and scholars all across the United States. The Review’s national appeal is beneficial to both the University of Nebraska and the national legal community. In 2008, the Executive Board of Editors acknowledged that there was a void of scholarly journals that discussed, criticized, and stated Nebraska and Eighth Circuit law. Thus, the Editors decided to resurrect the spirit of the Nebraska Law Bulletin and establish the Nebraska Law Review Bulletin—an online journal with a greater emphasis on Nebraska and the Eighth Circuit. In addition to other shorter works, the Bulletin seeks to publish scholarly commentaries regarding significant legal issues in Nebraska and the Eighth Circuit as well as short commentaries responding to articles and notes published in the Review. Visit the Bulletin.