

I. Introduction

II. The Gains from Customized Procedure ... A. A Brief Primer on the Economic Theory of Procedure in Dispute Resolution ... B. The Current Default Rules of Procedure ... C. The Potential Benefits of Procedural Customization through Contract ... 1. Curbing Post-Dispute Opportunism ... 2. Reinforcing Substantive Obligations ... 3. Mitigating Risk ... 4. Reducing the Direct Costs of Litigation

III. The Limited Empirical Evidence

IV. The Doctrinally Permissible Options for Calibrating Procedure Through Contract ... A. Procedure as Public Law: Historic Skepticism of Private Procedural Ordering ... B. Mere Contract Law No More: Autonomy and Private Procedural Ordering ... C. State Courts, Lower Federal Courts, and Procedural Autonomy

V. Conclusion
