Agricultural Economics Department


Date of this Version


Document Type



Cornhusker Economics, August 18, 2021


Copyright 2021 University of Nebraska.


The most recent drought conditions have grown to cover a large portion of the west and the central United States, as shown in Figure 1. Those depending on rain continue to watch and hope that conditions will change, while implementing and considering various strategies to preserve their livelihoods. Those who have been in the business for years have seen other occasions when dry conditions limited forage production and created hardship. Each occurrence has varying outcomes, depending on the many factors faced by individuals. While drought may produce the
same dry conditions for many, its effects are individualized. There are as many strategies for dealing with drought as there are individuals who ranch. Rather than write about specific response strategies, I believe it would be beneficial to better understand and helpful to discuss the cow/calf business and surrounding factors, during these dry times.
