Agricultural Economics Department


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Cornhusker Economics, University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension, October 15, 2014


Copyright © 2014 University of Nebraska


When a 19-year-old looks at a rural community what characteristics are essential to this person? What are they looking for? Now think about someone who is 65 or older – what is essential to this person? You might presume that these two groups, young-er and older adults, would have very little in com-mon. Granted, there are differences in what these age groups see as essential, but there are also char-acteristics that both age groups rate similarly. The 2014 Nebraska Rural Poll report1, scheduled to be published in late October, asked the follow-ing question, “How essential or necessary are the following characteristics of a community in order for you to have a high quality of life?” The answer responses included: not at all essential; nice, but not essential; important, but not essential; and ab-solutely essential.
