Agricultural Economics Department


Date of this Version


Document Type



Cornhusker Economics, May 2, 2018,


Copyright 2018 University of Nebraska


Smart Choices in Agriculture (Figure 1) is a process designed to provide agricultural producers with a solid foundation for consistenly making good decisions in a very challenging environment. Besides operating in the presence of an incredible amount of uncertainty, farmers and ranchers typically make decisions with multiple short-term and long-term objectives in mind. They have a lot of things they are trying to accomplish with the choices they make on a regular basis. Sorting through information to arrive at the best choice can be a bit of a challenge when information is deep and time to process seems short. It has been proven that people can learn to make better decisions (Spetzler, et al.) Smart Choices in Agriculture presents an opportunity for agricultural producers to build those skills so the can consistently implement the best decisions for their operation
