Agricultural Economics Department
Cornhusker Economics
Nebraska Farm Income a Near-Record High in 2003, Bruce B. Johnson
Nebraska’s Ag Real Estate Market Heats Up, Bruce B. Johnson
Nebraska’s Retailing Patterns and Trends, Bruce B. Johnson
The Growing Concentration of Nebraska Agricultural Production, Bruce B. Johnson
Crop Price Declines Could Trigger Revenue Insurance Indemnities, H. Douglas Jose
2004 Nebraska Custom Rates, Part I, H. Douglas Jose and Lydee Jo Brown
Dairy Economics in 2004, H. Douglas Jose and Rick Kment
Acreages May Affect Future Cash Prices, Lynn Lutgen
Another Bumper Crop on the Way, Now What Do We Do?, Lynn Lutgen
Kyoto, Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases - Missing from the Political Table?, Gary D. Lynne
Next Steps Toward Storing Carbon in Nebraska, Gary D. Lynne
Farmer Views on the Emerging Carbon Market, Gary D. Lynne and Colby Kruse
National Animal Identification, Darrell R. Mark
Sales of Livestock Insurance Scheduled to Resume, Darrell R. Mark
The LB775 Tax Incentive Program, Richard K. Perrin
Poverty in Nebraska, Richard K. Perrin, Lilyan E. Fulginiti, and Avinash Alok
Regional and Multilateral Trade Negotiations, E. Wesley F. Peterson
2004 Hog Prices - the “Perfect Storm”?, Al Prosch
Hog Markets Live Hog Prices at Risk, Allen Prosch
The Hog Market, Allen Prosch
Public Universities and Private Industry: A Case Study, Jeffrey S. Royer
Nebraska’s Informal Economy, Marilyn R. Schlake
Evaluating Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Coverage, ROGER SELLEY
How Competitive is Irrigated Corn?, ROGER SELLEY and Tina N. Barrett
Considering Crop Revenue Insurance Alternatives, ROGER SELLEY and H. Douglas Jose
The Market and Consumer Welfare Effects of the Introduction of Second-Generation GMPs, Amalia Yiannaka
2003 Nebraska Ag Worker Compensation Requirements, J. David Aiken
Corn Farmers Face March 21 Deadline To “Opt Out” of Proposed StarLink Class Action Lawsuit, J. David Aiken
Livestock Friendly County Zoning Bill Enacted, J. David Aiken
Nebraska Livestock Development Policy:The Road Not Taken, J. David Aiken
Republican River Litigation Settlement, J. David Aiken
Supreme Court Rules City Can Regulate Animal Feeding Operation, J. David Aiken
Using Water Taxes to Retire Water Rights, J. David Aiken
Water Policy Task Force Proposed Recommendations, J. David Aiken
Asset Based Community Development: A Model for Nebraska Communities?, John C. Allen
Estimates and Interpretation of Income Elasticities of Demand for Food Products, Azzeddine Azzam
Is Mandatory Price Reporting Good for the Cattle Industry?, Azzeddine Azzam
Eliminating Fallow: What is the Best Transition Crop Back to Winter Wheat?, Paul Burgener
Entrepreneurial Talent: “One Size Does Not Fit All”, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Rural Economic Development - An Evolving Approach, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Women In Agriculture, Beth A. Eberspacher
Cattle Prices Are Record High, Aren’t They?, Dillon Feuz
Drought Decisions for Range Livestock Producers, Dillon Feuz
Commodity Checkoffs Again in the News, Roy Frederick
Iraq’s Potential As a Market for U.S. Agriculture, Roy Frederick
The New EU Regulation on Gmos: Causes and Consequences, Konstantinos Giannakas
Trade Adjustment Assistance Available for Farmers, David J. Goeller
Investment Feasibility, Cash Flows and Financial Impacts, Glenn A. Helmers
Stable but Variable Characterizes Nebraska Agricultural Land Values, Glenn A. Helmers and Bruce B. Johnson
Weather and Wheat Yields, Glenn A. Helmers and Saleem Shaik
Some Musings on Taxation, Bruce B. Johnson
Crop Selection and The Potential of Drought, H. Douglas Jose
Feeder and Fed Cattle Now Covered Under The Livestock Risk Protection Pilot Program, Matthew M. Larson and H. Douglas Jose
Faculty Exchange Program Finishes Its Fourth Year, Lynn Lutgen
Plan Market Strategies Early in the Marketing Year, Lynn Lutgen
Carbon Trading in Europe is on the (Near) Horizon, Gary D. Lynne
Kyoto is Nearing Ratification: Carbon Storage Opportunity?, Gary D. Lynne
Corn and Soybean Conditions Deteriorate, Darrell R. Mark
Country of Origin Labeling: An Update, Darrell R. Mark
Country of Origin Labeling: It’s Time To Start Keeping Records, Darrell R. Mark
Planning For Future Farmers, Darrell R. Mark
Defense and International Affairs in The Federal Budget, E. Wesley F. Peterson
Some Thoughts on U.S. - European Relations, George Pfeiffer
Team Approach to Management, Al Prosch
The Changing Hog Industry, Allen Prosch
Nebraskans Down Under, Deb Rood
The Base Capital Plan for Managing Cooperative Equity, Jeffrey S. Royer
Nascent Entrepreneurs: Are They Worth Our Investment?, Marilyn R. Schlake
Crop Revenue Coverage and Forward Pricing: A Case Study Under Irrigated Corn, ROGER SELLEY
Importance of “Who Pays” as an Environmental Policy Variable, Ray Supalla
Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling: The Ongoing COOL Debate Continues in Kearney, Wendy Umberger, Darrell R. Mark, and Dillon Feuz
Basis Variation in Nebraska, Roger K. Wilson, Richard T. Clark, and Lynn Lutgen
The Market and Welfare Effects of the New National Organic Program, Amalia Yiannaka
Integrated Water Management Options in the, J. David Aiken
LB1285 & Livestock Zoning Issues, J. David Aiken
Livestock Checkoff Cases, J. David Aiken
Nebraska Supreme Court Restricts Farm & Ranch Worker Compensation Exemption, J. David Aiken
Nebraska Supreme Court Rules County Livestock Zoning Regulations Legal, J. David Aiken
Open Meetings Law Violation Invalidates Dairy Zoning Permit, J. David Aiken
Property Valuation May Be Reduced by, J. David Aiken
Concentration of Wealth in Nebraska:, John C. Allen and Randolph L. Cantrell
Initiative 300 and the Structure of Nebraska’s Cattle Feeding Industry: Did the Law Make a Difference?, Azzeddine Azzam
The Effect of Concentration in the, Azzeddine Azzam
Production Ag Profitability Report, Gary Bredensteiner
A New Twist to Regional Economic Development, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Conservation in the “New Farm Program”, Richard T. Clark
Planning for Beef Cattle Operations in the Face of Drought, Richard T. Clark and Don C. Adams
Linking Intergenerational Wealth to Asset Based Community Development, Sam Cordes
The Economics of Carcass Weight:, Dillon M. Feuz
An Economic Assessment of Nebraska Agriculture in 2002, Roy Frederick
Assessing Drought Damage, Roy Frederick
Beyond the Farm Bill: Energy and Trade Important to Agriculture, Roy Frederick
Agricultural Trade and the WTO- An Update, Somali Ghosh and E. Wesley F. Peterson
False Labeling and its Ramifications for Organic Food Product Markets, Konstantinos Giannakas
Decision Making During Stressful Times, David J. Goeller
Contingent Liabilities - Include or Not?, Glenn A. Helmers