Agricultural Economics Department
Cornhusker Economics
Comparison of 2018 and 2019 Market Facilitation Program Payments for Nebraska Producers, Anil Giri, Wesley Peterson, and Sankalp Sharma
Annie’s Project: Know Your Numbers, Know Your Options, Jessica Groskopf
Nebraska Women in Agriculture Celebrating 35 Years, Jessica Groskopf
Nebraska National Agri-Marketing Association and the COVID-19 Effect, Austin Harthoorn and Rosalee Swartz
Seasonal Forecast Based Preharvest Hedging, Eric D. Hunt, Cory Walters, Toni Klemm, and Iyore Eronmwon
Nebraska Farm Real Estate Values Improve Despite Uncertainty in 2020, Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes
Historic Analysis of Flooding and Excessive Moisture Across Nebraska and Implications for Agricultural Lease Arrangements in 2020, Jim Jansen and Jeffrey Stokes
North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center, Christine Lockert and Bradley D. Lubben
Risk Management Needs and Challenges for Agriculture, Bradley D. Lubben
Community Development in the Time of COVID-19, Daniela Mattos
Can Commodity Prices Be Negative? Revisiting the Events in the Crude Oil Market in April., Fabio Mattos
Pork in the Future: The New Futures and Options Contracts on Pork Cutout, Fabio Mattos
2020 Nebraska Agricultural Custom Rates with Statewide Survey Summary, Gelnnis McClure
2020 Nebraska Crop Budgets Review, Glennis McClure
Internships in Nebraska Agricultural Cooperatives, Greg McKee
Economic Impacts of Food Fraud, Syed Imran Ali Meerza, Konstantinos Giannakas, and Amalia Yiannaka
The Economy, the Stock Market, and a Bucket of Chicken, Tim Meyer
The Value of Soil Sampling and Sampling Density: Conceptual Framework (Part 1), Taro Mieno and David Bullock
Nebraska Cooperative Development Center Announces Mini-Grant Funding, Charlotte Narjes
Livestock Indemnity Program: A Case for Managing Risk with Good Recordkeeping, Jay Parsons
Estimating a Fair Value for Standing Forage, Jay Parsons, Daren Redfearn, and Mary Drewnoski
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) Payments for Nebraska Livestock Producers, E. Wesley F. Peterson
2020 CARES Act – Financial Supports for Small Business, Marilyn R. Schlake
2020 CARES Act – APOYO FINANCIERO PARA PEQUEÑAS EMPRESAS, Marilyn R. Schlake and Sandra Barrera
Safety First Risk Preferences and Post-Harvest Grain Marketing A Context-rich Lab Experiment, Stamatina Stamatina, Simanti Banerjee, and Cory Walters
Three Profit Fundamentals of Agricultural Production, Matt Stockton
Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Basics, Matt Stockton, Duran Rudnick, and Chuck Burr
Crop Yield Growth along the 41st Parallel: Contributions of Environmental vs. Human-Controlled Factors, Federico Trindade, Lilyan E. Fulginiti, and Richard K. Perrin
Farm and Ranch Enterprise Budgets: Return to What?, Larry Van Tassell, Jay Parsons, and Glennis McClure
Celebrating 25 Years of the Nebraska Rural Poll, Rebecca J. Vogt
Assumptions (Mistakes) that Parents Make with Estate Plans, Allan Vyhnalek
How Emotions Affect Farm and Ranch Succession, Allan Vyhnalek
COVID-19, Farm Survival and Decision Making, Cory Walters, Jessica Groskopf, and Richard Preston
Surviving Variable Yields and Prices, Kara Zimmerman, Cory Walters, Jessica Groskopf, Matt Stockton, and Kate Brooks
2019 Nebraska Property Tax Issues, J. David Aiken
Ag Lease Termination and Hunting Rights, J. David Aiken
Maryland Nutrient Management Policies, J. David Aiken
Nebraska Property Taxes and the 2019 Flood, J. David Aiken
2019 Nebraska Property Tax School Funding Issues, J. David Aiken
Things to Consider before Co-signing a Loan, J. David Aiken
2018 Nebraska Top Efficient Farms, Tina N. Barrett
Four Steps to Improved Group Productivity, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Examining the Capacity of Nebraska Rangelands for Cattle, Kaitlyn Cumming, Jay Parsons, Walter H. Schacht, and Brian Baskerville
Negotiating Cash Rent: What It Takes to Negotiate Like a Pro, Austin Duerfeldt
Market Impacts of a Meat Tax, Regan Gilmore and Azzeddine Azzam
Nebraska Women in Agriculture “Take Charge of Change”, Jessica J. Groskopf
Potential Economic Impact of the Goshen/Gering-Ft. Laramie Tunnel Collapse, Jessica J. Groskopf
Does Targeting Healthy Food Labels to Populations at High Risk of Diet-Related Diseases Increase Label Effectiveness?, Christopher Gustafson
Point-of-Decision Prompts and Cognitive Resources, Christopher R. Gustafson
Per-ingredient Calorie Information Reduces Calories Ordered More in a Food-Away-from-Home Setting than Information Provided per, Christopher Gustafson and Eliana Zeballos
A Successful Year for the Nebraska National Agri-Marketing Association, Austin Harthoorn, Kara Heideman, and Rosalee A. Swartz
Trends in Nebraska Agricultural Land Ownership and Rental Patterns, Jim Jansen, Jay Parsons, and Kate Brooks
Accounting for Risk: Agricultural Land Leases and Natural Disasters, Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes
Nebraska Farm Real Estate Values Continue Gradual Declines in 2019, Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes
Cover Crop Utilization across Nebraska and Implications for Cropland Lease Arrangements in 2019, Jim Jansen, Jeff Stokes, and Jay Parsons
North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center, Christine Lockert, Cheryl Griffith, and Bradley Lubben
Expanding the Farm Income Safety Net, Bradley Lubben
An Illustration of Farm Program Decisions and Impacts, Bradley D. Lubben
Further Thoughts on the Brazilian Grain Market, Its Competitiveness and Its Challenges, Fabio Mattos
Will “Matopiba” Change the Competitive Landscape in the International Grain Market?, Fabio Mattos
Representative Economic Budgets for Nebraska Cow Herds, Glennis McClure and Jay Parsons
Tax Strategies for Farmers and Cooperatives under the New Section 199A, Greg McKee
Informing the (Willfully) Uninformed, Syed Imran Ali Meerza, Emie Yiannaka, Christopher Gustafson, and Kate Brooks
The Impact of Veterans Treatment Courts on the Community, Daniela Mettos and Amanda Leingang
Accounting Assumptions and the Farm Business, Tim L. Meyers
Accrual Accounting and the Farm Business, Part II, Tim L. Meyers
The Economic Evaluation of Input Use Prescription Maps: Are You Paying to Make Less Profit?, Taro Mieno and Grant Gardner
The Impact of Different Data Processing Methods on Site-specific Management Recommendation, Taro Mieno, Joe D. Luck, and Zhengzheng Gao
Ag Lenders Panel Provides Insight into Beef Systems Initiative, Jay Parsons, D. D. Redfearn, and M. E. Drewnoski
The Value of Grazed Corn Residue for Crop and Cattle Producers, Jay Parsons, D. D. Redfearn, and M. E. Drewnoski
Effects of Irrigation and Climate on the High Plains Aquifer, Richard Perrin, Felipe Silva, Lilyan E. Fulginiti, and Karina Schoengold
The World is in Better Shape than Most People Think, Wesley Peterson
Nebraska Strong - Social Capital in Action, Marilyn Schlake
The Role of Farm Size in Crop Insurance, Sankalp Sharma and Cory Walters
The Difference between Maximum Profit and Maximum Production, Matt Stockton
Three Key Factors to Balance when Choosing a Calving Season Based on Profitability, Matt Stockton and Devin Broadhead
Appraisal or Evaluation? The Impact of Cap Rates on Financing, Jeff Stokes
Examining Preferences for Rural Living and How to Save the Rural Economy, Rebecca J. Vogt
Avoid Family Trouble when Planning Farm/Ranch Succession, Allan Vyhnalek
Dealing with Control of the Farm/Ranch, Allan Vyhnalek
Managing Farm/Ranch Transfer to Next Generation, Allan Vyhnalek
The Role of Insured Bushels and Pre-harvest Hedging for an Eastern Nebraska County Under Rain-fed Growing Conditions, Cory Walters and Richard Preston
Syngenta GMO Settlement Claims Due October 12, 2018, J. David Aiken
Initiative 427: Nebraska Medicaid Expansion, J. David Aiken
Livestock Air Emission Requirements Delayed for Now, J. David Aiken
Complexity and Efficiency in Conservation Auctions: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment, Simanti Banerjee and Marc Conte
Role of Information and Communication on Spatial Conservation Auction Performance: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment, Simanti Banerjee and Marc Conte
Financial Impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Ag Producers, Tina N. Barrett
Characteristics Contributing to Nebraska Farm and Ranch Financial Stress, Kate Brooks, Cory Walters, Jay Parsons, Andrea Ramirez, Larry Van Tassell, Bradley D. Lubben, and J. David Aiken
Understanding the Process of Selling, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Doing Well by Doing Good in the Fight against Malnutrition and Hunger, Konstantinos Giannakas and Amalia Yiannaka
Market Facilitation Program: Impact on Nebraska Corn and Soybean Producers, Anil Giri and Wes Peterson
Conference Educates, Uplifts Nebraska Women in Agriculture, Jessica J. Groskopf and Haley Apel
The Evolution of Nebraska Corn Basis, Jessica J. Groskopf and Amanda Silva
National Agri-Marketing Association Annual Conference A Winning Combination of Experiential Learning and Networking, Erika Harms, Rosalee A. Swartz, and Kara Heideman
2018 Cash Lease Adjustments on Irrigation Equipment for Cropland Rental Arrangements in Nebraska, Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes
2018 Trends in Nebraska Farmland Values and Rental Rates, Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes
Does Gender Really Matter in Agriculture?, Marianna Khachaturyan and E. Wesley F. Peterson
Applying Interconnected Game Theory to Analyze Transboundary Waters: A Case Study of the Kura-Araks Basin, Marianna Khachaturyan and Karina Schoengold
A Model for Farmer Support in Zimbabwe – Opportunity for Change, Brierly Kuhudzayi and Daniela Mettos