Animal Science, Department of
Date of this Version
January 1999
Research investigating the effects of weaning calves at three different ages was conducted over four years at the Dalbey-Halleck Farm. Each year 180 spring calving cows had their calves weaned at 150 days of age, (n=60); 210 days of age, (n=60); or 270 days of age, (n=60). Weaning at 150 days resulted in greater cow weight and body condition. Pregnancy rate was similar among groups. Early weaned calves were fed a finishing ration longer, which resulted in heavier carcasses and a greater percentage grading at least Choice. Early weaning can be used to improve cow condition at calving.
Published in 1999 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. Published by Agricultural Research Division & University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension , Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.