"Crude Protein and Energy Combinations for Finishing Yearling Steers" by Burt Weichenthal, Ivan G. Rush et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in 1999 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. Published by Agricultural Research Division & University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension , Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Yearling Angus steers averaging 889 pounds were fed 12.1 or 13.8 percent crude protein with two energy levels during the first half of finishing, followed by 12.3 or 13.8 percent crude protein with the higher energy level during the second half of finishing. In a 126-day trial, finishing performance and carcass traits were not improved by feeding more than 12.1 percent crude protein or more than 56 Mcal/cwt NEg during the first half of finishing or more than 12.3 percent crude protein in the second half. These rseults indicate increased corn silage levels during the first half of finishing may not reduce overall performance.
