"Effect of Racial Socialization and Racial Identity in Adolescent Afric" by RaSheema Pitt

Education and Human Sciences, College of (CEHS)


Date of this Version

Spring 4-19-2013

Document Type



Pitt, R. (2013). Effect of racial socialization and racial identity in adolescent African American males on academic achievement. MS thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science, Major: Child, Youth, and Family Studies, Under the Supervision of Professor Rochelle L. Dalla. Lincoln, Nebraska: May, 2013

Copyright (c) 2013 RaSheema J. Pitt


This study examined possible influences of racial socialization and racial identity in minority’s academic achievement. Qualitative data sources (in-depth, personal interviews, focus groups, and a survey) were collected from 10 minority students and 8 administrators. In addition, a quantitative survey was used to supplement qualitative data. The researcher established her own set of questions for the interviews and focus groups. The pre-established measures used were the Does Your School Have High Expectations for All Students survey and the School Climate survey.

Thematic and theoretical analyses procedures were used to identify emerging themes and patterns, with particular attention to what minority male students and school administrators believe promotes and challenges minority student’s academic success and racial identity. Content analysis was used in the quantitative procedure to determine the school climate. Most participants reported relationships, expectations, self-motivation, and race as significant influences in academic achievement and identity development.

Advisor: Rochelle L. Dalla
