Education and Human Sciences, College of (CEHS)


First Advisor

Michael Armand Hebert

Date of this Version


Document Type



A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts, Major: Special Education, Under the Supervision of Professor Michael Armand Hebert. Lincoln, Nebraska: July 2019.

Copyright (c) 2019 Marisa M. Hoins


In this study, the researcher employed a least prompts intervention to improve listening comprehension responses for three participants with intellectual disabilities (ID). All participants were required to (a) be diagnosed with a moderate ID or have a medical diagnosis of a disability typically co-occurring with ID (e.g., Downs Syndrome), (b) be in grades one to seven, (c) communicate orally, and (d) have normal hearing and vision. In addition, all participants expressed choices through orally responding yes/no or by pointing to a response board. The researcher used a multiple baseline design across three participants to determine if there was a functional relation between the intervention and the participants’ ability to correctly answer listening comprehension questions. The researcher provided opportunities for participants to apply these skills using a system of least prompts intervention over short chapters from a series of books read by the researcher. Results indicated that all participants increased the number of independent correct responses and decreased the number of prompts needed for each intervention session across the course of the intervention. In addition, all participants responded correctly when given the opportunity to generalize the system of least prompts to an unfamiliar book series.

Advisor: Michael A. Hebert
