Education and Human Sciences, College of (CEHS)


First Advisor

Steven M. Barlow

Committee Members

Kristy Weissling, Judy Harvey

Date of this Version


Document Type



A thesis presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science

Major: Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

Under the supervision of Professor Steven M. Barlow

Lincoln, Nebraska, August 2024


Copyright 2024, David J. Sanchez. Used by permission


Continuous-wave functional near-infrared spectroscopy (cw-fNIRS) is a non-invasive brain imaging methodology designed to measure neural activity by detecting hemodynamic responses i.e., adjustments in blood flow and oxygenation to meet the brain’s metabolic needs. Findings on the use of cw-fNIRS by speech-language pathologists (SLP) and neuroscientists to assess cerebral hemodynamic responses during communication assessment and treatment are limited. This study aims to explore the brain’s metabolic response to various sensory processing tasks in neurotypical adults.

This research examines the relationship between cognitive load, sensorimotor control, and somatosensory processing, and hemodynamic modulation in the prefrontal cortex of 18 right-handed neurotypical adults. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of bilateral frontal cortex hemodynamics during tasks such as resting state, cognition (verbal memory recall), sensorimotor execution (STARz drawing, PinPeg sorting), and pneumotactile processing (GALILEO) using a 2-channel cw-fNIRS monitor.

Results reveal hemodynamic patterns in bilateral frontal brain regions and cerebral dominance during these tasks, offering benchmark data for future studies on brain function across the lifespan. This research could enhance our understanding of learning models (neurotypical, ASD) and mechanisms of brain plasticity in traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors, cerebrovascular accident (CVA) patients, and those with progressive brain diseases (PD, MS, ALS). Additionally, it could inform new approaches using machine learning and AI to create patient-centered neurotherapeutics through real-time individualized brain hemodynamic biofeedback.

Advisor: Steven M. Barlow
