Education and Human Sciences, College of (CEHS)


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A DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Major: Educational Studies (Instructional Technology); Under the Supervision of Professor Allen Steckelberg
Lincoln, Nebraska: December 2009
Copyright (c) 2009 David T. Bentz


Teaching presence is one of three components of the Community of Inquiry Model proposed by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000). This study examined teaching presence, as measured by the instructional design and organization, and directed facilitation (Shea, Li, Swan, and Pickett, 2005), in a large undergraduate science course, contrasting two modes of lecture delivery, face-to-face and online video. Confirmatory factor analysis validated the teaching presence instrument, producing factor loadings similar to Shea et al.'s for both online and face-to-face delivery. Analysis of the relationship between instructor satisfaction and teaching presence (instructional design and organization, and directed facilitation) produced a significant (p < 0.05) but relatively weak (r = .50) correlation. Differences between mean instructor satisfaction and teaching presence scores showed no significant differences based on the mode of lecture delivery.

Advisor: Allen Steckelberg

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Education Commons
