Basic-Data Report Saline County, Nebraska, Philip A. Emery
Water Levels in Observation Wells In Nebraska, 1963, Philip A. Emery and Mildred M. Malhoit
Basic-Data Report York County, Nebraska, C.F. Keech
Stratigraphic Sequences in the Pennsylvanian of Nebraska and Their Relationships to Cyclic Sedimentation, E. C. Reed and R. R. Burchett
Nebraska Groundwater Level Map (Decline & Rise), Fall 1963
Lithostratigraphy and Correlation of the Mississippian System in Nebraska, Marvin P. Carlson
Topographic Regions Maps, J. A. Elder, V. H. Dreeszen, and E. C. Weakly
Water Levels In Observation Wells In Nebraska, 1962, Philip A. Emery and Mildred M. Malhot
The Program of Ground- Water Investigations In Nebraska, C.F. Keech
Water Levels In Observation Wells In Nebraska, 1961, C.F. Keech and J.B. Hyland
Groundwater Map of Nebraska Relation Fall 1962 Observation Well Readings to Median, E. C. Reed
Basic Data Report Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin, Nebraska, J.B. Hyland
Water Levels in Observation Wells in Nebraska 1960, C.F. Keech
Groundwater Map of Nebraska Showing Relation of Fall 1961 Readings to Median Water Level Management, E. C. Reed
Water Levels in Observation Wells in Nebraska, 1959, C. F. Keech
Wells in Fillmore County, Nebraska, C.F. Keech
Wells in Hamilton County, Nebraska, C.F. Keech
Groundwater Map of Nebraska, November 1960, E. C. Reed and V. H. Dreeszen
Water Levels in Observation Wells in Nebraska, 1958, C. F. Keech
The Geological Section of Nebraska, E. C. Reed
Boone County Preliminary Ground Water Study 1959 (GM-14): Svoboda, G.R. Conservation and Survey Division , size 8.5" X 11"., G.R. Svoboda
Nebraska Groundwater Relation to Median, Fall 1958
Total Number of Irrigation Wells Located in Nebraska Counties as of 1958
Photograph of Relief Model Map of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division
Water Levels in Observation Wells in Nebraska, 1957, C. F. Keech
Groundwater Map of Nebraska Showing Relation of Fall 1959 Readings to Median Water Level Measurement, E. C. Reed
Log of Test Holes Frenchman Creek Basin Nebraska, C. F. Creech
Nebraska Groundwater Level (Decline & Rise) as of December 1957., E. C. Reed
Preliminary estimate of the underflow across the South Dakota-Nebraska State line in the Niobrara River and Ponca Creek drainage basins, E. C. Reed and C. F. Keech
Annual Installation of Irrigation Wells in Nebraska Through 1985, Conservation Survey Division
Relation of Nebraska Water-level Measurements Made in 1955 to Median Water-level Position, E. C. Reed
Occurrence of Great Soil Groups in Nebraska, J. A. Elder
Industrial Nebraska in Outline (Revised), G. E. Condra
Log of Test Holes Deuel and Garden Counties Nebraska, C. F. Keech and R. L. Schreurs
Origin and Scope of the Conservation Program, G. E. Condra
Departmental Functions of the Conservation and Survey Division, G. E. Condra and E. C. Reed
The Red Cloud Sand and Gravel, a New Pleistocene Formation in Nebraska, C. Bertrand Schultz, Eugene C. Reed, and A. L. Lugn
Generalized Soil Map of Nebraska
A Subsurface Study of the Pleistocene Deposits in Kearney County and Adjoining Parts of Adams, Franklin, and Webster Counties (Includes Text Analyses and Thesis Material), Vincent H. Dreeszen
Areas in Nebraska of Subirrigated Vegetation, John Elder
Progress of Fundamental Survey in Nebraska, G. E. Condra
Ground-Water Levels in the Lower Platte River Valley, Nebraska, H. A. Waite
Ground-Water Levels in the Lower Platte River Valley, Nebraska, H. A. Waite
The Integration of Water Use in Nebraska, G. E. Condra
Nuckolls County Preliminary Ground Water Study 1947 and 1948, E.C. Reed
Industrial Nebraska in Outline, G. E. Condra
Land and Water Conservation Problems of the Missouri River Basin, G. E. Condra
Ground Water In The Republican River Basin In Nebraska-Part III: Red Willow and Frontier Counties, H.A. Waite, E.C. Reed, and D.S. Jones Jr.
Ground Water In The Republican River Basin In Nebraska-Part IV: Hitchcock, Hayes, Dundy and Chase Counties, H.A. Waite, E.C. Reed, and D.S. Jones Jr.
Drought, Its Effects and Measures of Control in Nebraska, G. E. Condra
Terminology Relating to the Occurrence, Behavior and Use of Water in Nebraska, G. E. Condra
Groundwater Survey of Area North of O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, E. C. Reed
Ground Water In The Republican River Basin in Nebraska- Part 1: Nuckolls, Webster, Franklin and Harlan Counties, H.A. Waite, E.C. Reed, and D.S. Jones Jr.
Ground Water in the Republican River Basin- Part II: Furnas County, H.A. Waite, E.C. Reed, and D.S. Jones Jr.
Vegetation of the Northern Part of Cherry County, Nebraska, William L. Tolstead
Precambrian Rock Descriptions from Deep Wells in Nebraska, E. Liedecke
Upper Carboniferous Formations in the Lower Platte Valley, G. E. Condra and O. J. Scherer
Correlation of the Amerada Petroleum Company Well Drilled near Nehawka, Nebraska, E. C. Reed and G. E. Condra
Deep Wells at Lincoln, Nebraska, E. C. Reed and G. E. Condra
The Redfield Anticline of Nebraska and Iowa, G. E. Condra and E. C. Reed
Cheese Production in Nebraska. University of Nebraska, Walter Kollmorgen
Ice Cream Production in Nebraska., Walter Kollmorgen
The Butter Industry of Nebraska, Walter Kollmorgen
Correlation of Formations Drilled in the Midland Forester Well near Fremont, Nebraska, E. C. Reed and G. E. Condra
The Milk Industry of Nebraska, Walter Kollmorgen
A Preliminary Study of the Animal Ecology of the Niobrara Game Preserve, Watson E. Beed
Conservation of Land and Water Resources of Nebraska, G. E. Condra
Water-Bearing Formations of Nebraska, G. E. Condra and E. C. Reed
The Ostracoda of the Missouri Series in Nebraska, W. R. Johnson
An Analysis of the Flowering Plants of Nebraska, John Mack Winter
Nebraska Soils Grouped According to General Productivity and Use Capabilities
The Sugar Beet Industry of Nebraska, Esther S. Anderson
Geologic Cross-Section, Forest City, Missouri to Du Bois, Nebraska, G. E. Condra
Permo-Pennsylvanian Section of the Hartville Area of Wyoming (with implications for Nebraska), G. E. Condra and E. C. Reed
The Pleistocene Geology of Nebraska, A. L. Lugn
Groundwater Level Survey in Nebraska, Herbert A. Waite
The Thiem Method for Determining Permeability of Water-Bearing Materials, L. K. Wenzel
Geological Phases of Soil Erosion Investigation and Control in Nebraska, G. E. Condra
Land-Use Problems in Nebraska, G.E. Condra
The Nebraska State Capitol, Charles Harris Whitaker; John Edward; Harry F. Cunningham A.I.A.; Hartley B. Alexander Hon. A.I.A.; Oscar H. Murray A.I.A.; Meyer, Strong & Jones, Engineers; Emile H. Praeger; and Ernest Born
Resource News-January/February 1993
Resource News-November/December 1993
The Missouri Valley Traverse in Iowa North of the Jones Point Deformation, G. E. Condra
The Red Oak-Stennett-Lewis Traverse of Iowa, G. E. Condra
The Grenola Formation, G. E. Condra and C. E. Busby
The Middle River Traverse of Iowa, G. E. Condra and J. E. Upp
Faunal Lists of the Tertiary Vertebrata of Nebraska and Adjacent Areas, H. J. Cook and M. C. Cook
The Origin of the Place Names of Nebraska, J.T. Link
Nautiloid Cephalopods of the Pennsylvanian System in Mid-Continent Region, A. K. Miller, Carl O. Dunbar, and G. E. Condra
Brachiopoda of the Pennsylvanian System in Nebraska, C. O. Dunbar and G. E. Condra
The Environment of the Prairie, J. E. Weaver and W. J. Himmel
Lincoln's Water Supply Problem
Lincoln's Water Supply Problem
Tree Planting and Landscape Beautification in Nebraska, G. E. Condra
Handbook of Nebraska Trees, A Guide to the Native and Most Important Introduced Species, Raymond J. Pool