Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory: Faculty and Staff Publications
Neural Correlates of Response Inhibition in Early Childhood: Evidence from a Go/No-Go Task, Aishah Abdul Rahman, Daniel J. Carroll, Kimberly Espy, and Sandra A. Wiebe
Longitudinal Associations Between Executive Control and Developing Mathematical Competence in Preschool Boys and Girls, Caron A. C. Clark, Tiffany Sheffield, Sandra A. Wiebe, and Kimberly A. Espy
Executive control and dimensions of problem behaviors in preschool children, Kimberly A. Espy, Tiffany Sheffield, Sandra A. Wiebe, Caron A. C. Clark, and Matthew J. Moehr
Prenatal Tobacco Exposure: Developmental Outcomes in the Neonatal Period, Kimberly Andrews Espy, Hua Fang, Craig Johnson, Christian Stopp, Sandra A. Wiebe, and Jennifer Respass
Using Propensity Score Modeling to Minimize the Influence of Confounding Risks Related to Prenatal Tobacco Exposure, (Julia) Hua Fang, Craig Johnson, Nicolas Chevalier, Christian Stopp, Sandra A. Wiebe, Lauren S. Wakschlag, and Kimberly A. Espy
A new nonlinear classifier with a penalized signed fuzzy measure using effective genetic algorithm, Julia Hua Fang, Maria L. Rizzo, Honggang Wang, Kimberly A. Espy, and Zhenyuan Wang
Viewing Preschool Disruptive Behavior Disorders and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder through a Developmental Lens: What We Know and What We Need to Know, Anil Chacko, Lauren Wakschlag, Carri Hill, Barbara Danis, and Kimberly A. Espy
Growth Mixture Modeling of Academic Achievement in Children of Varying Birth Weight Risk, Kimberly A. Espy, Julia Hua Fang, David Charak, Nori Minich, and H. Gerry Taylor
Power of Models in Longitudinal Study: Findings From a Full- Crossed Simulation Design, Hua Fang, Gordon P. Brooks, Maria L. Rizzo, Kimberly A. Espy, and Robert S. Barcikowski
Pattern Recognition of Longitudinal Trial Data with Nonignorable Missingness: An Empirical Case Study, Julia Hua Fang, Kimberly A. Espy, Maria L. Rizzo, Christian Stopp, Sandra A. Wiebe, and Walter W. Stroup
Age-related differences in reaction time task performance in young children, Sergey Kiselev, Kimberly A. Espy, and Tiffany Sheffield
Mathematics Deficiencies in Children with Very Low Birth Weight or Very Preterm Birth, H. Gerry Taylor, Kimberly A. Espy, and Peter J. Anderson
Gene–Environment Interactions across Development: Exploring DRD2 Genotype and Prenatal Smoking Effects on Self-Regulation, Sandra A. Wiebe, Kimberly Andrews Espy, Christian Stopp, Jennifer Respass, Peter Stewart, Travis R. Jameson, David G. Gilbert, and Jodi I. Huggenvik
Short-Term Memory, Working Memory, and Executive Functioning in Preschoolers: Longitudinal Predictors of Mathematical Achievement at Age 7 Years, Rebecca Bull, Kimberly Andrews Espy, and Sandra A. Wiebe
Short-term memory, working memory, and executive functioning in preschoolers: Longitudinal predictors of mathematical achievement at age 7 years, Rebecca Bull, Kimberly A. Espy, and Sandra A. Wiebe
A Monte Carlo Power Analysis of Traditional Repeated Measures and Hierarchical Multivariate Linear Models in Longitudinal Data Analysis, Hua Fang, Gordon P. Brooks, Maria L. Rizzo, Kimberly A. Espy, and Robert S. Barcikowski
Changing the rules at the drop of a hat: An ERP study of preschoolers' set-shifting ability, Sandra A. Wiebe, Daniel J. Carroll, Megan Herrington, Sari Raber, and Kimberly A. Espy
Using confirmatory factor analysis to understand executive control in preschool children: I. Latent Structure, Sandra A. Wiebe, Kimberly A. Espy, and David Charak
DRD2 Genotype and Prenatal Exposure to Tobacco Interact to Influence Infant Attention and Reactivity, Sandra A. Wiebe, Kimberly A. Espy, Christian Stopp, Jennifer Respass, Travis Jameson, and Jodi Huggenvik
Perinatal pH and neuropsychological outcomes at age 3 years in children born preterm: An exploratory study, Kimberly A. Espy, Theresa E. Senn, David A. Charak, Jill Tyler, and Sandra A. Wiebe
A bayesian multilevel modeling approach for data query in wireless sensor networks, H. Wang, H. Fang, K. A. Espy, D. Peng, and H. Sharif
A Bayesian Multilevel Modeling Approach for Data Query in Wireless Sensor Networks, Honggang Wang, Hua Fang, Kimberly A. Espy, Dongming Peng, and Hamid Sharif
The neural correlates of inhibitory control in preschool children: Go/No-Go task demands influence ERP amplitude and latency, S. A. Wiebe, D. J. Carroll, S. Raber, and K. A. Espy
Genetic factors in preschool executive control: Relations between serotonin genotype, working memory, and set shifting, S. A. Wiebe, M. Y. Chang, A. R. Johnson, J. Huggenvik, T. Jameson, and K. A. Espy
Using confirmatory factor analysis to understand executive control in preschool children: I. Latent structure, S. A. Wiebe, K. A. Espy, and D. Charak
Genes and behavior in preschool children: The relation between dopamine genotype and latent executive control, S. A. Wiebe, M. J. Moehr, A. R. Johnson, M. Y. Chang, J. Huggenvik, T. Jameson, and K. A. Espy
Working memory, executive functioning, and children's mathematics, R. Bull and K. A. Espy
Measuring the development of executive control with the Shape School, K. A. Espy, R. B. Bull, J Martin, and W. Stroup
Genetic bases of executive control in preschool children: TRAILS-P performance is related to DRD2 genotype, S. A. Wiebe, M. Y. Chang, J. Huggenvik, T. Jameson, and K. A. Espy
Inhibitory processes in young children and individual variation in short-term memory, Kimberly A. Espy and Rebecca Bull
Assessment of Executive Function in Preschool-Aged Children, Peter K. Isquith, Jennifer S. Crawford, Kimberly A. Espy, and Gerard G. Gioia
A Comparison of Performance on the Towers of London and Hanoi in Young Children, Rebecca Bull, Kimberly A. Espy, and Theresa E. Senn
The Development of a Trial Making Test in Young Children: The TRAILS-P, Kimberly Espy and Mary F. Cwik
The Contribution of Executive Functions to Emergent Mathematic Skills in Preschool Children, Kimberly Espy, Melanie D. McDiarmid, Mary F. Cwik, Melissa Meade Stalets, Arlena Hamby, and Theresa E. Senn
Development of auditory event-related potentials in young children and relations to word-level reading abilities at age 8 years, Kimberly Espy, Dennis L. Molfese, Victoria J. Molfese, and Arlene Modglin
Executive function in preschool children: Examination through everyday behavior, P. K. Isquith, G. Gioia, and K. A. Espy
Using path analysis to understand executive function organization in preschool children, T. E. Senn, K. A. Espy, and P. M. Kaufmann
Effects of environmental measures on intelligence in young children: Growth curve modeling of longitudinal data, K. A. Espy, Victoria J. Molfese, and L. DiLalla
Incidence and correlates of breast milk feeding in hospitalized preterm infants, K. A. Espy and T. E. Senn
Effects of neurobehavioral assessment on feeding and weight gain in preterm neonates, T. E. Senn and K. A. Espy
"Getting into the mouths" of preschoolers: A method for obtaining buccal samples for later genotyping, K. A. Espy and A. F. Hamby
Individual differences in the development of executive function in children: Lessons from the delayed response and A-not-B Tasks, K. A. Espy and P. M. Kaufmann
Executive functions in preschool children born preterm: Application of cognitive neuroscience paradigms, K. A. Espy, M. M. Stalets, M. D. McDiarmid, T. E. Senn, M. F. Cwik, and A. Hamby
Confirmatory factor analysis of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) in a clinical sample, G. G. Gioia, P. K. Isquith, P. D. Retzlaff, and K. A. Espy
New procedures to assess executive functions in preschool children, K. A. Espy, P. M. Kaufmann, M. L. Glisky, and M. D. McDiarmid
Chemotherapeutic CNS prophylaxis and neuropsychologic change in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A prospective study, K. A. Espy, I. M. Moore, P. M. Kaufmann, J. H. Kramer, K. Matthay, and J. J. Hutter
Prenatal cocaine exposure and prematurity: Neurodevelopmental growth, K. A. Espy, D. J. Francis, and M. L. Riese
Cognitive consequences and central nervous system injury following treatment for childhood leukemia, I. M. Moore, K. A. Espy, P. Kaufmann, J. Kramer, K. Kaemingk, P. Miketova, N. Mollova, M. Kaspar, A. Pasvogel, K. Schram, W. Wara, J. Hutter, and K. Matthay
Neuropsychologic function in toddlers exposed to cocaine in utero: A preliminary study, K. A. Espy, P. M. Kaufmann, and M. L. Glisky
Executive functioning in preschool children: Performance on A-Not-B and other delayed response format tasks, K. A. Espy, P. M. Kaufmann, M. D. McDiarmid, and M. L. Glisky
Construct validity of the Continuous Recognition Memory test, K. L. Fuchs, J. H. Hannay, W. M. Huckeba, and K. A. Espy
The predictive use of event-related potentials in language development and the treatment of language disorders, Dennis L. Molfese, Victoria J. Molfese, and K. A. Espy
The Shape School: Assessing executive function in preschool children, K. A. Espy
Neurobehavior in preterm neonates exposed to cocaine, alcohol, and tobacco, K. A. Espy, M. L. Riese, and D. J. Francis
Validity of intelligence test scores in the definition of learning disability: A critical analysis, D. J. Francis, K. A. Espy, B. P. Rourke, and J. M. Fletcher
Comparisons of cutoff and regression-based definitions of reading disabilities, J. M. Fletcher, K. A. Espy, D. J. Francis, K. C. Davidson, B. P. Rourke, and S. A. Shaywitz