Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Department of
Department of Engineering Mechanics: Faculty Publications
Experimental Testing and Finite-Element Modeling to Evaluate the Effects of Aggregate Angularity on Bituminous Mixture Performance, Leonardo T. Souza, Yong-Rak Kim, Flavio V. Souza, and Leandro S. Castro
Tuning of the size and the lattice parameter of ion-beam synthesized Pb nanoparticles embedded in Si, Huan Wang, J. Cuppens, E. Biermans, S. Bals, Lucia Fernandez-Ballester, K. O. Kvashnina, W. Bras, M. J. Van Bael, K. Temst, and A. Vantomme
Supramolecular Nanolayer Reconfiguration after Molecular Intercalation, Alexandre Dhôtel, Hui Li, Lucia Fernandez-Ballester, Laurent Delbreilh, Boulos Youssef, Xiao Cheng Zeng, and Li Tan
Dynamics of fibrillar precursors of shishes as a function of stress, Luigi Balzano, Dario Cavallo, Tim B. van Erp, Zhe Ma, Jan-Willem Housmans, Lucia Fernandez-Ballester, and Gerrit W. M. Peters
Evaluation of biological cell properties using dynamic indentation measurement, Guoxin Cao and Namas Chandra
Studies of dynamic crack propagation and crack branching with peridynamics, Youn Doh Ha Ph.D. and Florin Bobaru Ph.D.
Crack nucleation in a peridynamic solid, S. A. Silling, O. Weckner, E. Askari, and Florin Bobaru Ph.D.
Editorial: Advances in the Dynamics of Granular Materials, Florin Bobaru, J. S. Chen, and Joseph A. Turner
Convergence, adaptive refinement, and scaling in 1D peridynamics, Florin Bobaru Ph.D., Mijia Yabg Ph.D., Leonardo F. Alves M.S., Stewart A. Silling Ph.D., Ebrahim Askari Ph.D., and Jifeng Xu Ph.D.
Evaporation induced two-dimensional buckling within liquid droplet, Ziguang Chen, Maozi Liu, Gang-yu Liu, and Li Tan
Real-time depth sectioning: Isolating the effect of stress on structure development in pressure-driven flow, Lucia Fernandez-Ballester, Derek W. Thurman, and Julia A Kornfield
Force Chains and Resonant Behavior in Bending of a Granular Layer on an Elastic Support, Kitti Rattanadit, Florin Bobaru, Konlayut Promratana, and Joseph A. Turner
Reduction of surface acoustic wave resonator normal acceleration sensitivity using piezoelectric actuators, X. Y. Shan, Y. T. Hu, and J. S. Yang
A Model for Predicting the Multiscale Crack Growth Due to an Impact in Heterogeneous Viscoelastic Solids, Flavio V. Souza and David H. Allen
Optimal electrode shape and size for shear mode thin film acoustic wave resonators, L. M. Xu, B. B. Tang, Y. T. Hu, H. Fan, and J. S. Yang
Connected Vibrating Piezoelectric Bimorph Beams as a Wide-band Piezoelectric Power Harvester, Zengtao Yang and Jiashi Yang
TEM Study of Lizardite-1T Particles in Toluene Solvent, J. Yan, Xingzhong Li, J. Y. Jiang, and L. Tan
The Magnetoelectric Effects in Multiferroic Composite Nanofibers, C. L. Zhang, W. Q. Chen, S. H. Xie, J. S. Yang, and Jiangyu Li
Harvesting magnetic energy using extensional vibration of laminated magnetoelectric plates, C. L. Zhang, J. S Yang, and W. Q. Chen
On Constitutive Models for Limited Elastic, Molecular Based Materials, Millard F. Beatty
Computer simulation of radio frequency heating of model fruit immersed in water, Sohan Birla, Shaojin Wang, and Juming Tang
Simultaneous birefringence, small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering to detect precursors and characterize morphology development during flow-induced crystallization of polymers, Lucia Fernandez-Ballester, Tim Gough, Florian Meneau, Wim Bras, Fernando Ania, Francisco Jose Balta-Calleja, and Julia A. Kornfield
Influence of spatial correlation function on attenuation of ultrasonic waves in two-phase materials, Dalie Liu and Joseph A. Turner
Analysis of the Effects of the Residual Charge and Gap Size on Electrospun Nanofiber Alignment in a Gap Method, Lihua Liu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Impact Mechanics and High-Energy Absorbing Materials: Review, Pizhong Qiao, Mijia Yang, and Florin Bobaru
Phase-field modeling of the formation of lamellar nanostructures in diblock copolymer thin films under inplanar electric fields, Xiang-Fa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Free-edge stresses and progressive cracking in surface coatings of circular torsion bars, Xiang-Fa Wu, Yuris A. Dzenis, and Kyle W. Strabala
Experimental characterization of the impact-damage tolerance of a cross-ply graphite-fiber/epoxy laminate, Xiang-Fa Wu, Goutam Ghoushal, Mikhail Kartashov, Zuleyha Aslan, Joseph A. Turner, and Yuris A. Dzenis
Rippling of Polymer Nanofibers, Xiang-Fa Wu, Yulia Kostogorova-Beller, Alexander Goponenko, Haoqing Hou, and Yuris A. Dzenis
Contact-resonance atomic force microscopy for viscoelasticity, P. A. Yuya, D. C. Hurley, and Joseph A. Turner
Calibration of atomic force microscope cantilevers using piezolevers, Saltuk B. Aksu and Joseph A. Turner
Influence of van der Waals forces on increasing the strength and toughness in dynamic fracture of nanofibre networks: a peridynamic approach, Florin Bobaru Ph.D.
Wigner Distribution of a Transducer Beam Pattern Within a Multiple Scattering Formalism for Heterogeneous Solids, Goutam Ghoshal, Joseph A. Turner, and Richard Weaver
Measurement of Poisson’s ratio with contact-resonance atomic force microscopy, D.C. Hurley and Joseph A. Turner
Granular layers on vibrating plates: Effective bending stiffness and particle-size effects, Wonmo Kang, Joseph A. Turner, Florin Bobaru, Liyong Yang, and Kitti Rattanidit
Computational Constitutive Model for Predicting Nonlinear Viscoelastic Damage and Fracture Failure of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures, Yong-Rak Kim, D. H. Allen, and D. N. Little
Effect of Interface Modification on the Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites Using ParallelMolecular Dynamics Simulations, S. Namilae, U. Chandra, A. Srinivasan, and Namas Chandra
Novel method for mechanical characterization of polymeric nanofibers, Mohammad Naraghi, Loannis Chasiotis, Harold Kahn, Yongkui Wen, and Yuris A. Dzenis
Adhesive contact in filaments, Xiang-Fa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Collapse analysis of nanofibers, Xiang-Fa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Guided self-assembly of diblock copolymer thin films on chemically patterned substrates, Xiang-Fa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Size effect in polymer nanofibers under tension, Xiangfa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Wrinkling of a charged elastic film on a viscous layer, Xiang-Fa Wu, Yuris A. Dzenis, and Kyle W. Strabala
A New Mass Sensor Based on Thickness-Twist Edge Modes in a Piezoelectric Plate, J.S. Yang and A. K. Soh
Ultrasonic characterization of microstructure evolution during processing, Liyong Yang, Joseph A. Turner, and Zheng Li
Determination of Young’s modulus of individual electrospun nanofibers, Philip A. Yuya, Yongkui Wen, Joseph A. Turner, Yuris A. Dzenis, and Zheng Li
Electroelastic Effect of Thickness Mode Langasite Resonators, Haifeng Zhang, Joseph A. Turner, J. S. Yang, and J. A. Kosinski
A Model for Predicting the Evolution of Multiple Cracks on Multiple Length Scales in Viscoelastic Composites, David H. Allen and C. R. Searcy
E(FG)2: A NEW FIXED-GRID SHAPE OPTIMIZATION METHOD, Florin Bobaru Ph.D. and Srinivas Rachakonda
Optimization of Multilayer Wear-Resistant Thin Films Using Finite Element Analysis on Stiff and Compliant Substrates, R. K. Lakkaraju, Florin Bobaru, and S. L. Rohde
Role of Atomic Scale Interfaces in the Compressive Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes in Composites, S. Namilae and Namas Chandra
Droplet on a fiber: Geometrical shape and contact angle, Xiangfa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Effects of middle plane curvature on vibrations of a thickness-shear mode crystal resonator, J. S. Yang, Xiaomeng Yang, Joseph A. Turner, John A. Kosinski, Robert A. Pastore, and Weiping Zhang
Colossal Dielectric and Electromechanical Responses in Self Assembled Polymeric Nanocomposites, Cheng Huang, Q. M. Zhang, Jiang Yu Li, and Manese Rabeony
Damage-Induced Modeling of Asphalt Mixtures through Computational Micromechanics and Cohesive Zone Fracture, Yong-Rak Kim, D. H. Allen, and D. N. Little
A Model for Predicting the Evolution of Damage in Viscoelastic Particle-Reinforced Composites, G. D. Seidel, D. H. Allen, K. L. E. Helms, and S. E. Groves
Antiplane surface acoustic waves propagating in elastic half-space coated with an anisotropic laminate, Xiangfa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Determination of Dynamic Delamination Toughness of a Graphite-Fiber/Epoxy Composite Using Hopkinson Pressure Bar, Xiangfa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Elasticity of planar fiber networks, Xiangfa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Electrohydrodynamic instability of thin conductive liquid films, Xiangfa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Experimental determination of probabilistic edge-delamination strength of a graphite–fiber/epoxy composite, Xiangfa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Wave attenuations in solids with perfectly aligned cracks, Liyong Yang and Joseph A. Turner
Continuum Modeling of Cell Membranes, Eveline Baesu, R. E. Rudd, J. Belak, and M. McElfresh
Imaging using lateral bending modes of atomic force microscope cantilevers, A. Caron, U. Rabe, M. Reinstadtler, Joseph A. Turner, and W. Arnold
Spinning Continuous Fibers for Nanotechnology, Yuris A. Dzenis
Humidity effects on the determination of elastic properties by atomic force acoustic microscopy, D.C. Hurley and Joseph A. Turner
Ultrasound diffusion for crack depth determination in concrete, S.K. Ramamoorthy, Y. Kane, and Joseph A. Turner
Edge-Cracked Orthotropic Bimaterial Butt Joint under Antiplane Singularity, Xiangfa Wu, Yuris A. Dzenis, and Emrah Gokdag
Screw Dislocation Interacting with Interfacial Edge-Cracks in Piezoelectric Bimaterial Strips, Xiangfa Wu, Yuris A. Dzenis, and Bradley D. Rinschen
Attenuation of ultrasonic waves in rolled metals, Liyong Yang and Joseph A. Turner
Method for Performing Accelerated Characterization of Viscoelastic Constitutive Behavior of Asphaltic Concrete, Curtis Berthelot, D. H. Allen, and Chad Searcy
Manufacturing of Novel Continuous Nanocrystalline Ceramic Nanofibers with Superior Mechanical Properties, Yuris A. Dzenis, Ruqiang Feng, Gustavo F. Larsen, Joseph Turner, and Xiao Cheng Zeng
Atomic force acoustic microscopy methods to determine thin-film elastic properties, D.C. Hurley, K. Shen, N.M. Jennett, and Joseph A. Turner
Paper on Measurement of the Nanomechanical Properties of Thin Films Using AFAM Receives Recognition, Donna Hurley, Joseph A. Turner, Paul Rice, and Joshua Wiehn
Screw dislocation interacting with interface and interfacial cracks in piezoelectric bimaterials, Xiangfa Wu, Steve Cohn, and Yuris A. Dzenis
Screw dislocation interacting with twin interfacial edge cracks between two bonded dissimilar piezoelectric strips, Xiangfa Wu, Yuris A. Dzenis, and Tian-You Fan
Two semi-infinite interfacial cracks between two bonded dissimilar elastic strips, Xiangfa Wu, Yuris A. Dzenis, and Tian-You Fan
Interfacial edge crack between two bonded dissimilar orthotropic strips under antiplane point loading, Xiangfa Wu, Yuris A. Dzenis, and Wen-Sheng Zou
Moving screw dislocations in piezoelectric bimaterials, Xiangfa Wu, Yuris A. Dzenis, and Wen-Sheng Zou
Elastic wave propagation and scattering in solids with uniaxially aligned cracks, Liyong Yang and Joseph A. Turner
Scattering of elastic waves in damaged media, Liyong Yang and Joseph A. Turner
Characterization of CrBN films deposited by ion beam assisted deposition, S.M. Aouadi, F. Namavar, E. Tobin, N. Finnegan, R.T. Haasch, R. Nilchiani, Joseph A. Turner, and S. L. Rohde
Closed-form solution for the size of plastic zone in an edge-cracked strip, Xiang-Fa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Closed-form solution for the size of plastic zone in an edge-cracked strip, Xiangfa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Closed-form solution for a mode-III interfacial edge crack between two bonded dissimilar elastic strips, Xiangfa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
Screw Dislocation Interacting with an Interfacial Edge Crack between Two Bonded Dissimilar Piezoelectric Wedges, Xiangfa Wu, Yuris A. Dzenis, and Wen-Sheng Zou
A semi-infinite interfacial crack between two bonded dissimilar elastic strips, Xiang-Fa Wu, E. Lilla, and W.-S. Zou
Analysis of microdamage evolution histories in composites, Yuris A. Dzenis and Jie Qian
Scattering of elastic waves in heterogeneous media with local isotropy, Joseph A. Turner and Phanidhar Anugonda
Rate Effects on Mode-I Delamination Toughness of a Graphite/Epoxy Laminated Composite, Xiangfa Wu and Yuris A. Dzenis
United States Patent: Method and System for Estimating the Tenderness of a Meat Product, Maria Victoria Spadaro, Rosana Moreira, Jimmy Keeton, and D. H. Allen
Elastic wave propagation and scattering in heterogeneous, anisotropic media: Textured polycrystalline materials, Joseph A. Turner
High-frequency response of atomic-force microscope cantilevers, Joseph A. Turner, Sigrun Hirsekorn, Ute Rabe, and Walter Arnold
Diffuse energy propagation on heterogeneous plates: Structural acoustics radiative transfer theory, Joseph A. Turner and Richard L. Weaver
Coupling and attenuation of waves in plates by randomly distributed attached impedances, Joseph A. Turner and Richard L. Weaver
Time dependence of multiply scattered diffuse ultrasound in polycrystalline media, Joseph A. Turner and Richard L. Weaver
Ultrasonic radiative transfer in polycrystalline media: Effects of a fluid–solid interface, Joseph A. Turner and Richard L. Weaver
Inhomogeneous anisotropic percolation: Two-dimensional numerical threshold analysis, Yuris A. Dzenis and S. P. Joshi
Radiative transfer and multiple scattering of diffuse ultrasound, Joseph A. Turner and Richard L. Weaver
Radiative transfer of ultrasound, Joseph A. Turner and Richard L. Weaver