English, Department of


Department of English: Faculty Publications

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Date of this Version



Published in Theory into Practice 13:3, The Education of Teacher Educators (June 1974), pp. 151-158.


Copyright 1974 College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University; published by Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Used by permission.


Teacher education has too largely concerned itself with a study of schooling rather than a study of education. In the next generation, given the concerns that I’ve talked about, we’re going to have to look much more intensively, on the one hand, at how much human beings learn as biological creatures and, on the other hand, at all the cultural and legal constraints on learning that exist. We will look at education in industry, in the community, in community action programs, in the tribal council, education through ritual, and through play, as well as through public schooling. The job of the graduate educator will be to know how people learn in order to create the legal, economic, and community mechanisms to help people learn in community how to achieve fulfillment in community.

The pressure of the job market, of society, and of the law on the graduate teacher educator is going to move many graduate educators to become community clinicians—working in such areas as law, validation, economics, epistemology, and community building. In the future I look for the development of school-community teacher training centers. Graduate teacher educators, clinicians, will be hired by school districts and higher education. The group which will determine the day-to-day job of the teacher educator, the perimeters of that job, would be the parents themselves, and the children. The teacher educator will be the servant of the community. When I speak of the school-community teacher training center, I am talking about the general movement in this country toward combining the human services and centering them in the schools or centering them in single agencies.
