Increased Survival of Western Corn Rootworm on Transgenic Corn within Three Generations of On-Plant Greenhouse Selection, Lisa N. Meihls, Matthew L. Higdon, Blair D. Siegfried, Nicholas J. Miller, Thomas W. Sappington, Mark R. Ellersieck, Terrence A. Spencer, and Bruce E. Hibbard
Using Banded Sunflower Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Egg Density to Estimate Damage and Economic Distance in Oilseed Sunflower, Kirk D. Mundal and Gary J. Brewer
Inheritance of Cry1F resistance in laboratory-selected European corn borer and its survival on transgenic corn expressing the Cry1F toxin, E. J. G. Pereira, N. P. Storer, and Blair D. Siegfried
The Dynastinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of the Bahamas with a description of a new species of Cyclocephala from Great Inagua Island, Brett C. Ratcliffe and Ronald D. Cave
A biotic survey and inventory of the dynastine scarab beetles of Mesoamerica, North America, and the West Indies: review of a long-term, multicountry project, Brett C. Ratcliffe and Ronald D. Cave
Concentration-Dependent Degradation of Three Termiticides in Soil Under Laboratory Conditions and Their Bioavailability to Eastern Subterranean Termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), Raj K. Saran and Shripat T. Kamble
Influence of Temperature on Rate of Uptake and Subsequent Horizontal Transfer of [14C]Fipronil by Eastern Subterranean Termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), Neil A. Spomer, Shripat T. Kamble, Richard A. Warriner, and Robert W. Davis
Sugar Feeding in Adult Stable Flies, David B. Taylor and Dennis R. Berkebile
Population Dynamics of Soybean Aphid and Biotic Mortality at the Edge of Its Range, Tierney R. Brosius, Leon G. Higley, and Thomas E. Hunt
Immersion Tolerance in Rangeland Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae), Mathew L. Brust, W. W. Hoback, and Robert J. Wright
Candidate sex pheromones of the New World screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax, D.A. Carlson, Dennis Berkebile, S.R. Skoda, K. Mori, and S. Mihok
Candidate Sex Pheromones of the New World Screwworm Cochliomyia Hominivorax -- Summary & Abstract, David Carlson, Dennis Berkebile, Steven Skoda, and S Russell Mihok
Influence of Buffalograss Management Practices on Western Chinch Bug and Its Beneficial Arthropods, Jeffrey Carstens, Tiffany Heng-Moss, Frederick P. Baxendale, Roch E. Gaussoin, Kevin Frank, and Linda J. Young
Cadaver Decomposition in Terrestrial Ecosystems, David O. Carter, David Yellowlees, and Mark Tibbett
Biology And Phylogeny Of The Cassidinae Gyllenhal Sensu Lato (Tortoise And Leaf-Mining Beetles) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Caroline S. Chaboo
Population variation of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, in the Western Hemisphere, Pete L. Clark, Jaime Molina-Ochoa, Samuel Martinelli, Steven R. Skoda, David Isenhour, Donald J. Lee, Jeffrey T. Krumm, and John E. Foster
Lady Beetles of Nebraska, Alexander P. Cunningham, James R. Brandle, Stephen D. Danielson, and Thomas E. Hunt
Categories of Resistance, Antibiosis and Tolerance, to Biotype I Greenbug (Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) Homoptera: Aphididae) in Four Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Poales:Gramineae) Hybrids, Mahmut Dogramaci, Z. B. Mayo, Robert J. Wright, and John C. Reese
Evaluation of Warm-season Turfgrasses for Resistance to the Chinch Bug, Blissus occiduus, Thomas E. Eickhoff, Tiffany Heng-Moss, and Frederick P. Baxendale
Evaluation of Warm-season Turfgrasses for Resistance to the Chinch Bug, Blissus occiduus, Thomas Eickhoff, Tiffany Heng-Moss, and Frederick P. Baxendale
Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Resistant and Susceptible Wheat to Injury by Russian Wheat Aphid, Lisa D. Franzen, Andrea R. Gutsche, Tiffany Heng-Moss, Leon G. Higley, Gautam Sarath, and John D. Burd
Maggot Development during Morgue Storage and Its Effect on Estimating the Post-Mortem Interval, Timothy Huntington, Leon G. Higley, and Frederick P. Baxendale
Cloning and expression of an atrazine inducible cytochrome P450, CYP4G33, from Chironomus tentans (Diptera: Chironomidae), Diana K. Londono, Herbert A.A. Siqueira, Haichuan Wang, Gautam Sarath, Michael J. Lydy, and Blair D. Siegfried
Baseline susceptibility of western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to clothianidin, L.C. Magalhaes, B. W. French, Thomas E. Hunt, and Blair D. Siegfried
Genetic structure and molecular variability of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) collected in maize and cotton fields in Brazil, S. Martinelli, P. L. Clark, M. I. Zucchi, M. C. Silva-Filho, John E. Foster, and C. Omoto
Genome scan of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera for genetic variation associated with crop rotation tolerance, Nicholas Miller, M. Ciosi, Thomas W. Sappington, S. T. Ratcliffe, J. L. Spencer, and T. Guillemaud
Light-Induced Variability in Development of Forensically Important Blow Fly Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae), P. D. Nabity, Leon G. Higley, and Tiffany Heng-Moss
Utility of Morphological and Molecular Techniques for Determination of Paternity in Two Subspecies of Diabrotica undecimpunctata (Coleoptera: Ghrysomelidae), Isaac O. Oyediran, Thomas L. Clark, S. R. Skoda, Elvis A. Heinrichs, and John E. Foster
Utility of Morphological and Molecular Techniques for Determination of Paternity in Two Subspecies of Diabrotica undecimpunctata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Isaac O. Oyediran, Thomas L. Clark, Steven R. Skoda, and Elvis A. Heinrichs
Economic Threshold for Soybean Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae), D. W. Ragsdale, B. P. McCornack, R. C. Venette, B. D. Potter, I. V. Macrae, E. W. Hodgson, M. E. O'Neal, K. D. Johnson, R. J. O'Neil, C. D. Difonzo, Thomas E. Hunt, P. A. Glogoza, and E. M. Cullen
Book Review: Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea, Scirtoidea, Dascilloidea, Buprestoidea, Byrrhoidea (Lobl, I. and A Smetana [EDS.] 2006), Brett C. Ratcliffe
Bothynus Hope, 1837 (Insecta, Coleoptera, SCARABAEIDAE): proposed conservation of usage by designation of Scarabaeus ascanius Kirby, 1819 as the type species, Brett C. Ratcliffe and Andrew B. T. Smith
Survey for Hymenopteran and Dipteran Parasitoids of the Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Chiapas, Mexico, Ramiro E. Ruiz-Najera, Jaime Molina-Ochoa, James E. Carpenter, Jorge A. Espinosa-Moreno, Jose Alfredo Ruiz-Najera, Roberto Lezama-Gutierrez, and John E. Foster
A Novel Cadherin-Like Gene from Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Larval Midgut Tissue, A. Sayed, E. R. Nekl, H. A. A. Siquiera, H.-C. Wang, R. H. ffrench-Constant, M. Bagley, and Blair Siegfried
Stable Fly Population Dynamics in Eastern Nebraska in Relation to Climatic Variables, David Taylor, Dennis Berkebile, and Philip Scholl
Abundance and diversity of ground-dwelling arthropods of pest management importance in commercial Bt and non-Bt cotton fields, J. B. Torres and J. R. Ruberson
Disproportionate Relative Importance of a Terrestrial Beetle Family (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) as a Prey Source for Central Appalachian Brook Trout, Ryan M. Utz, Brett C. Ratcliffe, Brett T. Moore, and Kyle J. Hartman
Leroy L. Peters Obituary, Robert J. Wright and Frederick Baxendale
Substitution of conserved cysteine residues in wheat streak mosaic virus HC-Pro abolishes virus transmission by the wheat curl mite, B. A. Young; Gary L. Hein; Roy C, French; and Drake C. Stenger
Acute Contact Toxicity of Oxalic Acid to Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) and Their Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Hosts in Laboratory Bioassays, Nicholas P. Aliano, Marion D. Ellis, and Blair D. Siegfried
Inheritance of Resistance to the Cry1Ab Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin in Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Analiza P. Alves, Terrence A. Spencer, B.E. Tabashnik, and Blair Siegfried
Evaluation of Cool- and Warm-Season Grasses for Resistance to Multiple Chinch Bug (Hemiptera: Blissidae) Species, Wyatt G. Anderson, Tiffany Heng-Moss, and Frederick P. Baxendale
Laboratory environment effects on the reproduction and mortality of adult screwworm (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Dennis Berkebile, Agustin Sagel, Steven R. Skoda, and John E. Foster
Pyemotes herfsi (Acari: Pyemotidae), a Mite New to North America as the Cause of Bite Outbreaks, Alberto B. Broce, Ludek Zurek, James A. Kalisch, Robert Brown, David L. Keith, David Gordon, Janis Goedeke, Cal Welbourn, John Moser, Ronald Ochoa, Eduardo Azziz-Baumgartner, Fuyuen Yip, and Jacob Weber
Movement of Cicindela hirticollis Say Larvae in Response to Moisture and Flooding, Mathew L. Brust, William Wyatt Hoback, Kerri Farnsworth Skinner, and Charles Barry Knisley
Seasonality and Adult Habitat Use by Four Diabrotica Species at Prairie–Corn Interfaces, Laura A. Campbell and Lance J. Meinke
Assessing Risk of Resistance to Aerial Applications of Methyl-Parathion in Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Michael A. Caprio, Tim Nowatski, Blair Siegfried, Lance J. Meinke, Robert J. Wright, and Larry D. Chandler
Microbial decomposition of skeletal muscle tissue (Ovis aries) in a sandy loam soil at different temperatures, David O. Carter and Mark Tibbett
Long-term reduction of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in sylvatic mammals following deforestation and sustained vector surveillance in northwestern Argentina, L. A. Ceballos, M. V. Cardinal, G. M. Vazquez-Prokopec, M. A. Lauricella, M. M. Orozco, M. Roberto Cortinas, A. G. Schijman, M. J. Levin, Uriel Kitron, and R. E. Gürtlera
Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Larval Feeding Behavior on Transgenic Maize (MON 863) and Its Isoline, Pete L. Clark, Ty T. Vaughn, Lance J. Meinke, Jaime Molina-Ochoa, and John E. Foster
County-Level Surveillance of White-Tailed Deer Infestation by Ixodes scapularis and Dermacentor albipictus (Acari: Ixodidae) Along the Illinois River, M. Roberto Cortinas and Uriel Kitron
Effect of Investigator Disturbance in Experimental Forensic Entomology: Succession and Community Composition, G. D. De Jong and W. W. Hoback
Spatiotemporal Patterns of Host-Seeking Ixodes scapularis Nymphs (Acari: Ixodidae) in the United States, M. A. Diuk-Wasser, A. G. Gatewood, M. Roberto Cortinas, S. Yaremych-Hamer, J. Tsao, Uriel Kitron, G. Hickling, J. S. Brownstein, E. Walker, J. Piesman, and D. Fish
Host preference of the chinch bug, Blissus occiduus, Thomas Eickhoff, Frederick P. Baxendale, and Tiffany Heng-Moss
An Update on the Distribution and Diversity of Bombus in Nebraska (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Douglas A. Golick and Marion D. Ellis
CREATING & EVALUATING Artificial Domiciles for Bumble Bees, Douglas A. Golick, Marion D. Ellis, and Brady Beecham
Ecologically-Based Participatory IPM in a Global Context: the IPM CRSP Model, E. A. Heinrichs
Physiological Responses of Resistant and Susceptible Buffalograsses to Blissus Occiduus (Hemiptera: Blissidae) Feeding, Tiffany Heng-Moss, Tulio Macedo, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Frederick P. Baxendale, Leon G. Higley, and Gautam Sarath
Relative Abundance of Exotic and Native Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Southeast Nebraska Alfalfa, James C. Kriz, Stephen D. Danielson, James R. Brandle, and Erin E. Blankenship
Effects of Aphid (Homoptera) Abundance and Surrounding Vegetation on the Encounter Rate of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Chrysopidae (Neuroptera), and Nabidae (Hemiptera) in Alfalfa, James C. Kriz, Stephen D. Danielson, James R. Brandle, Erin E. Blankenship, and Geoff M. Henebry
Xenobiotic response in Drosophila melanogaster: Sex dependence of P450 and GST gene induction, Gaelle Le Goff, Frederique Hilliou, Blair Siegfried, Sam Boundy, Eric Wajnberg, Luc Sofer, Pascaline Audant, Richard H. ffrench-Constant, and Rene Feyereisen
Comparative Sensitivity of Freshwater Algae to Atrazine, C. K. Lockert, Kyle D. Hoagland, and Blair D. Siegfried
Absence of Genetic Divergence Between Western Corn Rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Resistant and Susceptible to Control by Crop Rotation, Nicholas Miller, K. S. Kim, S. T. Ratcliffe, A. Estoup, and T. Guillemaud
Effects of Insect Herbivory on Physiological and Biochemical (Oxidative Enzyme) Responses of the Halophyte Atriplex subspicata (Chenopodiaceae), P. D. Nabity, Tiffany Heng-Moss, and Leon G. Higley
Effects of Temperature on Development of Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Use of Developmental Data in Determining Time Intervals in Forensic Entomology, P. D. Nabity, Leon G. Higley, and Tiffany M. Heng-Moss
Partner-driven agricultural research-for-development networks in West Africa: the case of ROCARIZ, L. T. Narteh, M. Winslow, Ousmane Youm, and S. O. Keya
Effect of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Bb1 Protein on the Feeding Behavior and Longevity of Adult Western Corn Rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Timothy M. Nowatski, Xugou Zhou, Lance J. Meinke, Ty Vaughn, and Blair Siegfried
Stability and persistence of aldrin and methyl-parathion resistance in western corn rootworm populations (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Srinivas Parimi, Lance J. Meinke, B. Wade French, Laurence D. Chandler, and Blair D. Siegfried
Review of KAWAI, HORI, KAWAHARA, & INAGAKI, Atlas of Japanese Scarabaeoidea. Volume 1. Coprophagous Group., Brett C. Ratcliffe
Scarab Beetles in Human Culture, Brett C. Ratcliffe
Trapping Phyllophaga spp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) in the United States and Canada using sex attractants., Paul S. Robbins, Steven R. Alm, Charles D. Armstrong, Anne L. Averille, Thomas C. Baker, Robert J. Bauernfiend, Frederick P. Baxendale, S. Kris Braman, Rick L. Brandenburg, Daniel B. Cash, Gary J. Couch, Richard S. Cowles, Robert L. Crocker, Zandra D. DeLamar, Timothy G. Dittl, Sheila M. Fitzpatrick, Kathy L. Flanders, Tom Forgatsch, Timothy J. Gibb, Bruce D. Gill, Daniel O. Gilrein, Clyde Gorsuch, Abner M. Hammond, Patricia D. Hastings, David W. Held, James L. Holliman, William G. Hudson, Michael G. Klein, Vera L. Krischik, David J. Lee, Charles E. Linn Jr., Nancy J. Luce, Kenna MacKenzie, Catherine M. Mannion, Sridhar Polavarapu, Daniel A. Potter, Daniel A. Potter, Wendell Roelofs, Brian M. Royals, Glenn A. Salsbury, Nathan M. Schiff, David J. Shetlar, Margaret Skinner, Beverly L. Sparks, Jessica A. Sutschek, Timothy P. Sutschek, Stanley R. Swier, Martha M. Sylvia, Neil J. Vickers, Patricia A. Vittum, Richard Weidman, Donald C. Weber, R. Chris Williamson, and Michael G. Villani
RELATIVE INDEX OF SUSCEPTIBILITY TO THE MAIZE WEEVIL, Sitophilus zeamais, AMONG SOME QPM CORN LINES, Jamilton P. Santos, Paulo E. O. Guimaraes, Jose M. Waquil, and John E. Foster
Coordinated Diabrotica Genetics Research: Accelerating Progress on an Urgent Insect Pest Problem, Thomas W. Sappington, Blair D. Siegfried, and Thomas Guillemaud
Analyses of Cry1Ab Binding in Resistant and Susceptible Strains of the European Corn Borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Herbert A. A. Siqueira, Joel Gonzalez-Cabrera, Juan Ferre, Ronald Flannagan, and Blair Siegfried
Analyses of Cry1Ab Binding in Resistant and Susceptible Strains of the European Corn Borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Herbert A.A. Siquiera, Joel Gonzalez-Cabrera, Juan Ferre, and Ronald Flannagan
Temperature Effect on Kinetics of Uptake, Transfer, and Clearance of [14C]Noviflumuron in Eastern Subterranean Termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), Neil A. Spomer and Shripat T. Kamble
Comparative Efficiency of Six Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Traps, David B. Taylor and Dennis Berkebile
Genetic and Morphological Comparisons of New and Old World Populations of Spalangia Species (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), David B. Taylor, Roger Moon, Gary Gibson, and Allen L. Szalanski
Oil-Soluble Dyes for Marking Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Elis Christine Vilarinho, Odair Aparecido Fernandes, Celso Omoto, and Thomas E. Hunt
A strategy for using powdered sugar to reduce varroa populations in honey bee colonies, Nicholas P. Aliano and Marion D. Ellis
Only large amounts of powdered sugar applied directly to brood cells harms immature honey bees, Nicholas P. Aliano and Marion D. Ellis
Quality of Transgenic Laboratory Strains of Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Margaret L. Allen and Philip J. Scholl
91. Biodiversidade e Abundância de Insetos e Seletividade de Inseticidas na EEA-IRGA, Cachoeirinha, RS, Tiago Finger Andreis, Leila Lucia Fritz, Elvis Arden Heinrichs, Marciele Pandolfo, Letícia Diaz da Silva, Jaime Vargas de Oliveira, and Lidia Mariana Fiuza
Susceptibility of Biological Stages of the Horn Fly, Haematobia irritans, to Entomopathogenic Fungi (Hyphomycetes), C. A. Angel-Sahagún, R. Lezama-Gutiérrez, J. Molina-Ochoa, E. Galindo-Velasco, M. López-Edwards, O. Rebolledo-Domínguez, C. Cruz-Vázquez, W. P. Reyes-Velázquez, S. R. Skoda, and John E. Foster
Review of Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena, by K. M. Maredia, D. Dakouo, and D. Mota-Sanchez, Gary J. Brewer
Nebraska’s Tiger Beetle, Cincindela nebraskana Casey, Mathew L. Brust and W. W. Hoback
Differential Immersion Survival by Populations of Cicindela hirticollis (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae, Mathew Louis Brust, William Wyatt Hoback, Kerri Farnsworth Skinner, and Charles Barry Kinsley
Tritrophic Interaction of Parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), Greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Homoptera: Aphididae), and Greenbug-Resistant Sorghum Hybrids, Mahmut Dogramaci, Z. B. Mayo, Robert J. Wright, and John C. Reese
Identification, cloning and expression of a Cry1Ab cadherin receptor from European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Ronald D. Flannagan, Cao-Guo Yu, John P. Mathis, Terry E. Meyer, Xiaomei Shi, Herbert A. A. Siqueira, and Blair D. Siegfried
Nuclear Genome Diversity and Relationships among Naturally Occurring Buffalograss Genotypes Determined by Sequence-related Amplified Polymorphism Markers, O. Gulsen, Robert C. Shearman, Kenneth P. Vogel, Donald J. Lee, P. Stephen Baenziger, Tiffany M. Heng-Moss, and Hikmet Budak
A New Paradigm for Implementing Ecologically – Based Participatory IPM in a Global Context: The IPM CRSP Model, E. A. Heinrichs
Resistant Turfgrasses for Improved Chinch Bug Management, Tiffany Heng-Moss, Frederick P. Baxendale, Robert C. Shearman, and Thomas E. Eickhoff
Multiple Transatlantic Introductions of the Western Corn Rootworm, Nicholas Miller, Arnaud Estoup, Stefan Toepfer, Denis Bourguet, Laurent Lapchin, Sylvie Derridj, Kyung Seok Kim, Philippe Reynaud, Lorenzo Furlan, and Thomas Guillemaud
Host-associated populations in the lettuce root aphid, Pemphigus bursarius (L.), Nicholas Miller, N. B. Kift, and G. M. Tatchell
VI Reunión Latinoamericana De Scarabaeoidologia, Brett C. Ratcliffe