Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 3-7-2023

Document Type



Dear Sir/Madam, I am Sending a paper on " Use and Awareness of Social Networks by Engineering Students in Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysore, Karnataka: A Study
", Co-authored with Dr. Chandrashekara J, Chief Librarian,Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering & Technology,Mysuru, Karnataka, India and Dr. Manjunath Uttarkar
Librarian, Tontadary College of Engineering, Gadag I request you to kindly accept the same for Journals.


This Article focuses on the awareness and use of social networks by engineering graduates of Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysore, Karnataka. The main aim is to know the Frequently used devices to connect internet, Time spent for Active Internet Usage, Frequency of accessing Social Network, Time spent on Social Network Sites per session, Purpose of Using Social Network Sites, Opinion regarding use of Social media for Academic/Career and Academic/ career purpose of using social media. The major finding of the study are majority of the respondents are using mobile phone to connect internet. Majority of the respondents comes to know the social network sites from their friends. Face book is places first of the favorite Social network site for the respondents.
