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Cano, A. & P. Royster, Global Reach: Use of the Nebraska Digital Commons in Developing Regions, 2019 Digital Initiatives Symposium University of San Diego April 30, 2019.


Copyright 2019 A. Cano & P. Royster. Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA


Developing countries comprise 40 percent of international downloads and 25 percent of all downloads from University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s institutional repository. This presentation will summarize the use of the Nebraska Digital Commons by representative countries in South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific, and Sub-Saharan Africa, the three regions where the most developing country downloads occurred in 2018. This summary includes the types of resources being downloaded and the types of organizations where the downloads occurred. Discussion will focus on how further research can be conducted on whether such use of the Nebraska Digital Commons by users in developing regions is common among other institutional repositories. Furthermore, there will be discussion as to the implications of what types of resources are being accessed and what type of user is accessing them.

A Global Reach2.pdf (5228 kB)
PowerPoint slides
